7 trucos para evitar el exceso de gases estomacales

Commonly known as farts, gas produces uncomfortable and annoying episodes as well as painful ones.

Not even celebrities, kings or popes are safe from them. They are a symptom that we are alive and are part of our existence, but excessive gases are something that must be known and treated. Let's learn to avoid farts.

It is caused by the bacteria that populate our intestine, also known as the microbiome. Its abnormal behavior can cause excessive flatulence and its origin can be internal or due to external factors.

7 Tricks to avoid excess stomach gas

It is not, or should not be, a serious health problem, but it can be the source of embarrassing situations for those who suffer from it and for those around them. Although the sound can be disguised, sometimes they produce an unpleasant odor that reveals the problem.

With these seven tricks you can learn its causes and how to change your habits to reduce the amount of gas your body produces. They are simple but necessary measures to avoid them.

Don't eat too fast

Stress is a bad ally for health. Eating quickly involves swallowing air with the food that will then have only one escape route, especially if little is chewed, so the bolus becomes a plug for the absorbed air. It is necessary to chew your food well and avoid swallowing air, which will cause both flatulence and belching.

Therefore, you have to eat slowly, thinking about each portion of food you swallow and not swallow it until it is well chewed.

Lactose intolerance

It is known that lactose is a common intolerance and that even for people who are not officially intolerant, the passage of time and age makes the digestion produced by milk products difficult. This is because the enzyme lactase decreases with age and the digestion of lactose causes irritation in the intestine.

If after ingesting milk products there is an increase in digestive problems and symptoms, it means that there is a certain degree of lactose intolerance. To check this, it is best to temporarily avoid their consumption and if the situation improves, then it is better to stop taking them, replacing them with lactose-free alternatives.

Early fermentation in the small intestine

The fermentation of certain foods to facilitate their decomposition during digestion occurs in the large intestine, where there are bacteria specialized in carrying out this mission.

However, sometimes these bacteria colonize the small intestine, doing their work before the food is fully digested, resulting in early fermentation. This process causes more gases than normal and, in addition, these must cross the entire large intestine, which can cause intestinal pain and/or inflammation. In this case, it is best to visit a doctor to advise us on how to reduce this intestinal abnormality.

Imbalance in the microbiome

It is the most common cause, an imbalance in the bacterial flora, which lives in our intestine, protects it and helps us assimilate food, can produce excess gases.

Usually, after going through an illness or having taken antibiotics, the bacterial flora is very damaged and reduced, which can not only cause gas, but even worse, infections. The change in stomach pH itself produces an increase in gases.

The way to improve this situation is to take probiotic and prebiotic foods to repopulate the microbiome with healthy bacteria.

Gluten intolerance

Inflammation of the belly, pain and incorrect digestion are some of the symptoms of gluten intolerance. People celiac They have an unmistakable sign in flatulence, the product of a food allergy.

This autoimmune disease prevents proper absorption of food and can cause the body itself to break down the lining of the small intestine.

You have to change your diet immediately, so not only will the gases disappear but your health and therefore your quality of life will improve considerably.


Not having correct digestion produces a lack of regularity in the evacuation of feces. This disorder itself becomes a potential cause of gas buildup.

Too much waste in the intestine is retained mainly in the colon, which alters the bacterial flora and generates more gas than normal.

To avoid constipation you must:

  • Increase fluid intake
  • Eat more foods with fiber
  • Perform daily exercise

Remedies to avoid gases

It has recently been discovered that the charcoal It is one of the best solutions for people who suffer from stomach gas. It is a cheap product that can be bought at any pharmacy and in online stores.

Home remedies to prevent farts

Below we bring you a few home remedies to treat excess flatulence:


Helps to eliminate abdominal gas