How to schedule tweets

Do you want to schedule tweets for a time and date when you won't be able to share your posts manually? We teach you how to do it step by step

Let's see how to schedule tweets on Twitter to be published at a specific date and time. And Twitter has become one of the most popular social networks today with millions of users sharing news, opinions, messages, photos, videos and more daily with the aim of achieving more comments, likes and more. Retweets. But we cannot always publish our tweets at the moment, something that especially affects brands or professionals who share their products or services constantly. Therefore, it is essential to have a system to schedule tweets and have them publish on their own; Luckily, unlike the mobile app, the mobile version of Twitter websites does offer this tool. Therefore, below we show you how to schedule tweets on Twitter easily.


Twitter: how to schedule tweets

Index of contents

What is scheduling tweets?

Twitter is a social network mainly based on posts and interactions in real time, rewarding immediacy. For this reason, the platform was not born with the option to schedule tweets, a tool that users began to demand, especially in commercial and promotional areas. Fortunately, Twitter enabled in 2020 the possibility of scheduling tweets, allowing choose both date and time.

Thanks to the scheduling of tweets, users they save time and offer the possibility of continue providing services to his audience; With this, followers of accounts with scheduled tweets always have new information.

Tips on scheduling tweets

If you want to schedule tweets, below we offer you a series of tips to be more productive:

  • It is not possible to schedule retweets (RT); you can only choose the option quote tweet and add a comment to schedule a post as close to a retweet as possible.
  • A scheduled tweet is displayed just like any other tweet, with all its Add-on options enabled. Therefore, do not hesitate to add images, GIFs, video links or hashtags.
  • For longer links it is advisable to use a URL shortener for a more friendly display.
  • Know the profile of your audience to schedule tweets at key times and dates to achieve greater acceptance.

How to schedule tweets

If you want to schedule tweets and have them published when you choose, follow the steps below; However, remember that this functionality is only available available on the web version of Twitter:

  1. Access your Twitter account on your computer through an Internet browser.
  2. Prepare the tweet you want to schedule for later.
  3. Now click on the calendar icon.
  4. Choose the hour and minute and the date (month, day and year) in which you want the tweet to be published.
  5. Choose Confirm.
  6. Finally, click on the button Program.

How to schedule tweets

When you finish the steps Twitter will inform you when the tweet is scheduled to be published. After following these simple steps you will have already programmed the tweet that you want to publish later, in the time and date you have chosen.

How to manage scheduled tweets

When you have one or more tweets scheduled, you may want to edit or even delete them. Do not worry; It is possible to manage scheduled posts easily through the menu Unsent tweets, available through the main text field of any tweet.

How to schedule tweets

Here all the drafts you have saved as scheduled tweets; Furthermore, if you click on the calendar icon You will access all scheduled tweets. When you have edited the content of a scheduled tweet, click on Programming to save the changes.

On the other hand, you can delete any scheduled tweet through the option Edit and selecting the tweet you want to delete. You can also click on Select all and in Eliminate to delete all drafts at once.

How to schedule tweets

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