How to see Facebook photos without being friends

The best tricks to spy on Facebook profiles and their photos without having to be friends on the social network; don't miss the safest solutions

Let's see how see the photos of Facebook of a person without being friends on said social network with the best methods and tricks to spy on the contents of a profile without raising suspicions. And there are many reasons why we may not want to be detected when entering profiles that do not appear in our friends list, as well as view their photographs without having to share friendship on Facebook. So much so that many profiles They keep their content open so that everyone can see it, while others keep it private, so that only their friends can see it. Next, how to see photos of Facebook without being friends.

How to SEE Private Facebook photos without being a friend 2019

Facebook: how to see photos without being friends

Before starting with the different methods to view photos in Facebook without being friends, we must warn of possible deception through miraculous solutions by third parties. And there are apps or programs that promise that and much more and they are nothing more than scams with installations of dubious origin, such as viruses, trojans and more. Let's review the safest options.

Index of contents

Add common friends

The first option we can resort to is add profiles to our friendships that are already friends of that person, in order to be able to access without problem the photographs where it has been tagged. Of course, this option will only work if the user whose photos we want to see has the photo visibility option enabled. Friends of my friends.

Request permission to access a friend's profile

Another very simple option is to ask permission from a user who is a friend of that profile whose photos we want to spy on so that they can let them see them through your Facebook account. Yes, it is a very invasive option and it will only work if we know the right person, although it remains to be tried…

Create an anonymous Facebook profile

A somewhat questionable option would be create a fake profile to try to add that user of whom we want to see their photos as friendship. Thus, if you accept us we will have free rein to snoop through your photographs. For this it is recommended create a profile related to that person in tastes, interests or other characteristics so that it is easier to access your profile as a new friend of Facebook.

How to see Facebook photos without being friends

StalkFace website

Thanks to the StalkFace website we will can spy on the Facebook profile we want in a direct and simple way, without the need to register anywhere. To do this we just have to access the StalkFace website and copy url address of the profile whose photographs we want to spy on. Then we just have to click on the button To spy.

How to see Facebook photos without being friends

Of course, we will only be able to see photos in which that person has been tagged and if said user has the option enabled to be tagged in photos of Facebook friends. In addition, we can narrow the searches further by selecting one of the options at the bottom such as:

  • All
  • This week
  • This month
  • This year

PictureMate Extension

In this case it is an extension that we can add to the internet browser Google Chrome and that allows you to view images of any Facebook user directly. However, we will only be able to see photos in which that person has been tagged and if said user has the option enabled to be tagged in photos of Facebook friends.

To do this we just have to search in the Google search engine in Google Chrome for the word picturemate and access the search results extension; Now we just have to click on the option Add to Chrome. Finally, we just have to click on Add extension.

How to see Facebook photos without being friends

The operation of PictureMate is very simple; we just have to login to Facebook with our account through the Google Chrome internet browser, go to the profile of the person whose photos we want to spy on and Click on the PictureMate icon located in the browser toolbar.

spy apps

The last and perhaps most questionable option is to resort to online spy applications or services, a possibility that can cause more than one headache if we do not act properly. And many malicious apps try to take advantage of unsuspecting users with apps that in reality what they do is steal personal data or install viruses or Trojans. Of course, there are some trusted apps as mSpy that are oriented to Parental control and they give us access to Facebook profiles to be able to spy on their photographs without having to share friendships on said social network.


Now you know the best methods to view Facebook profiles and their photos without being friends, a series of totally safe tricks to spy on those profiles you want to know more about without raising suspicion.

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