Battlefield V Cheats for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Discover all the classes, weapons, vehicles and achievements of the new Battlefield, become a combat specialist with our cheats


The classes


Assault Class

The Assault class is always on the front line, specializing in close-quarters or medium-range battles. Stick with this class if you want to lead an attack or clear a trench exposing all the enemies that are hiding in the area. Although it does not have the undeniable killing power of the sniper rifle, nor the containment of a light or medium machine gun, if well positioned they can shoot at great distances and destroy certain vehicles with their devices.
The Assault is almost always straddled between offense and defense: it acts as anti-infantry and is the class best equipped to neutralize vehicles. However, it has difficulty countering snipers, be careful not to get caught in the open field!

Weapons and Devices

Main weapon categories

  • assault rifles
  • Semi-automatic rifles

Newbie devices

  • Grenade launcher rifles
  • sticky dynamite

Combat Roles

Light Infantry Traits

  • Scavenger: You find more ammunition from defeated enemies and fallen companions.
  • Battle Hardened: You can regenerate more health than other combat roles.

Anti-Tank Traits (Unlockable Rank 8)

  •  Tank Marker: Vehicles you cause damage to are sighted.
  • Tank Junker: Vehicles you destroy add more requisition points.


Medical Class

The Doctor is in charge of the survival of the patrol. Extend the fighting time of your companions by reviving them and restoring health with the medkits. Although he is capable of defending himself in combat with short- or medium-range weapons, his favorite weapon is the syringe, with which he revives his companions in less time than any other class.

Weapons and Devices

Primary Weapon Category

  •  Submachine guns

Newbie devices

  •  First aid kit
  • smoke grenade launcher

Combat Roles

Field Medic Traits

  •  Healer: You earn extra request points when you distribute first aid kits to your companions.
  • Quick Sprint: When you rush toward a wounded ally, you sprint faster.

Combat Medic Traits (Unlockable Rank 8)

  •  Melee Expert: All of your melee attacks automatically knock down enemies.
  • Urgent Retreat: You sprint faster when you suffer critical wounds.


Recognition Class

The Recon class is of great importance in the field and has the privilege of wielding the powerful sniper rifle. If you opt for this class and are up to it, you will have all the power of long-range tools and weapons in your hands. That is, in addition to a multitude of rifles with which to neutralize the enemy from afar, you will have devices and scopes that will allow you to collect information and share it with all your companions.
To the enemy, this class is that distant flash they see before everything disappears. An accurate, patient, and well-positioned Recon player will be able to take care of almost any objective without ever engaging in battle.

Weapons and Devices

Main weapon categories

  • Bolt action rifles
  • Semi-automatic rifles

Newbie devices

  • Telescope
  • Mina-S

Combat Roles

Sniper Traits

  •  Steady Hands: You stabilize the rifle longer when you aim down the scope.
  • Expert Marksman: Stability duration is partially reset with each headshot kill.

Tracker Traits (Unlockable Rank 8)

  • Outpost Scout: You can spawn next to patrol leaders and spawn beacons, even if they are not from your patrol.
  • Vanguard: You earn more request points when someone appears at your spawn beacon.


Assistance Class

The Support class supports the weight of the patrol as a mobile source of supplies and carrier of the machine gun (light or medium), the most important weapon in Battlefield. Contributes to the patrol by resupplying colleagues, facilitating the work of undertaking their objectives. Support provides containment, visually impairs the enemy, locates them for a short period of time, and then takes care of them.
While others play with planks and nails, as Support you can build advanced fortifications and machine gun positions. You'll give your patrol better positions to fire from, a safe place to reload, and greater chances of capturing a point thanks to your unparalleled skill in building fixed weapons.

Weapons and Devices

Main weapon categories

  • light machine guns
  • Medium machine guns

Newbie devices

  • ammo bag
  • anti-tank mine

Combat Roles

Engineer Traits

  • Car Expert: You repair vehicles and build fortifications in much less time than other Support class combat roles.
  • Heavy Weapons Expert: You can fire stationary weapons and vehicle-mounted weapons longer before they start to overheat.

Machine Gunner Traits (Unlockable Rank 8)

  • Bullet Storm: You have greater suppression capacity.
  • Concentrated Fire: Automatically detect enemies when you perform suppressive fire.


Battlefield V Achievements/Trophies

Enemy Attrition – In multiplayer, get 10 eliminations in a round.   

The last survivor – In multiplayer, get 3 patrol companion appearances with you.   

Not if I can help it – In multiplayer, perform 10 patrol revives.   

British accent – Complete the War Story – Without a Flag.   

Store fuglar fanga ingi flugor – Complete War Story – Nordlys.   

Out la mort – Complete the War Story – Tirailleur.   

the other way around – In multiplayer, eliminate 10 enemies with secondary weapons in one round.   

Raise the flag – In multiplayer, capture 10 flags on the front lines.   

Danger on wheels – In multiplayer, run over 5 enemies.   

Let them pass! – In multiplayer, request 2 reinforcements as a patrol leader in a round.   

combat engineer – In multiplayer, build 10 fortifications in one round.   

Under cover – In multiplayer, perform suppressive fire on 5 enemies.   

Eager beaver – Reach 150,000 points as a player.   

The Reaper – In multiplayer, eliminate 30 enemies.   

Storyteller – Complete War Stories – Without a Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur in Medium.   

Veteran – Complete War Stories – Without a Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur on Hard.   

The sins of the fathers – Complete War Stories – Without a Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur in Zealot.   

Globetrotter – Play a round of Conquest on all maps available at launch.   

death from heaven – In multiplayer, destroy 5 fixed weapons with a plane while they are being operated.   

The wild card – Reach 100,000 points as Assault, Medical, Support and Reconnaissance.   

Elite – Reach 500,000 points as a player.