How to make a good easy vegan cake

Making a vegan cake is really quick and easy, without unusual ingredients and with an indisputable flavor. Learn how to prepare one here.

He vegan cake further simple and fast is undoubtedly the chocolate cake, it is also the one that usually has the fewest unusual ingredients. Said cake should not have no eggs no dairy and it is the favorite of many people who are starting out. world of veganism. This cake It's not dry at all, nor crumbly, nor has anything to envy to another type of cake.

  • It is healthy.
  • It has a rich natural chocolate flavor.
  • It does not have expensive ingredients.
  • Its texture is light.
  • Can serve as a birthday cake.

What ingredients will I need?

Before starting with the recipe we are going to need the ingredients, so keep a list in mind because there are several of them, but they are cheap:

  • 300 ml of vegan milk to taste.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • 150 grams of vegan margarine.
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup or liquid sweetener.
  • 1 teaspoon espresso powder. 
  • 275 grams of normal flour.
  • 175 grams of flour.
  • 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • 3 teaspoons of yeast.
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.

How do I prepare vegan chocolate cake?

Once we have all the ingredients ready, we are going to prepare our juicy and delicious recipe, which in total it will take about 50 minutes and we will make 12 servings

The first thing we have to do is Preheat the oven to 180º Celsius or 4 gas marks.. Lightly grease the mold with spray oil either vegan margarine and put greaseproof paper

Now we must add lemon juice to milk, and reserve it to thicken and slightly curdle the whey. In a frying pan over medium heat, we melt the margarine next to syrup and the espresso powder. Then we let it cool. 

Sift the flour, he cocoa, he sugar, the yeast and the baking soda in a large bowl, then mix all the powders. Pour the melted milk and margarine mixture over the powder mixture and stir until turns into a soft dough.

Now you will have to pour the dough into the mold or molds that you have prepared, and bake for 30 or 35 minutes or until a knife inserted comes out completely clean. We let it cool for a few minutes in the mold.

With this we would have our super vegan cake.

Vegan chocolate cake

What can I put as filler?

For our vegan cake, we can make a filling based on date and cocoa bitumen with grated coconut. Simply in a bowl we will have to mix the date frosting and cocoa, with the grated coconut. You take the mixture with a pastry bag and you put it in middle of the cake and as coverage.

If you don't know how to make date and cocoa frosting, simply follow these steps:

  1. Soak dates in a cup of boiling water.
  2. When they are soft, pass the dates through the food processor with a little cocoa, vanilla and a pinch of salt.
  3. Process until you have a paste like bitumen.
  4. And with this we will have our cake with filling ready.

And with this we will have our cake with filling ready.

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