Before starting you have to know that hair loss is natural, Since each lock of our hair, no matter how healthy it is, only has a useful life of between 2 and 5 years. So the Hair follicles They usually have a cycle that goes from active growth, to transition and finally to rest, of course, depending on what circumstances and factors this cycle can Be faster, thereby leading to massive drop.
This is called telogen effluvium and it's a stress symptom either post pregnancy. If you see that your hair has a abnormal loss that can even cause baldness, patches or large extensions of hair, you will have to go to a doctor or dermatologist.
How can we prevent hair loss?
There are many tips and tricks That in will help prevent hair loss, some of hair hygiene, others about health and many others about feeding, because as you already know, every minor problem in our body can be fixed with a diet that provides the vitamins and defenses necessary for the body.
Avoid hairstyles that pull the hair.
He hair is flexible, that's something we know, but cannot be stretched too much or you will suffer permanent damage and irreparable. The braids, the tight hairstyles waves pigtails they can move hair away from the scalp and with it get loosen the bond between hair and the scalp over time.
So if we want to avoid a unnecessary fall it is best to do looser hairstyles.
Avoid dryers, irons and chemical dyes.
He heat makes the hair follicle becomes dehydrated and with that, there remains much more vulnerable to damage. Using heat with dryers, the irons or the curlers the only thing we will do is damage hair over time.
Using them from time to time is fine, as long as they are not abused. We must also avoid chemicals that bleach our hair, these types of chemicals create a irreparable damage to follicles and makes hair loss even greater, avoid dyes with peroxide and permanent.
Type of shampoo and brush.
Many shampoos contain ingredients that are too aggressive for our hair, which can eliminate the natural oil and fatty acids that they do strong and flexible. We have to look for the milder shampoo and suitable for our hair.
It is also important to use a natural fiber brush that will help promote the healthy sebum levels in hair. The keratin proteins they stack, so brushing in one direction from top to ends will help smooth and condition the hair cuticle.
Has to to comb also every day to avoid excessive shedding.
Home remedies for hair loss.
There are many home remedies that can help prevent hair loss, in some cases they work better than in others, so if you see that your hair continues to fall you should look for a fixed diagnosis to know what your problem is.
The use of supplements.
Many times the cause of Hair loss is due to nutritional deficiencies, so we will have to help our body with supplements iron, zinc, niacin, selenium, vitamin D and b12 vitamin that it will make the hair our body produces strong and healthy.
Essential oils.
Essential oils are aqueous extracts of powerful botanical ingredients that have been used for many years. These also They can be mixed with oils that we usually use in our hair or even with our shampoo. For example, you can mix the jojoba oil and that of almond to stimulate hair growth. Other oils that help growth are: