How to download Play Store for free for mobile

Tutorial to download Play Store on any Android smartphone

Below we teach you how to download Play Store for free Android mobile, regardless of the make and model of your smartphone. And despite the fact that most Android phones come with the Google app suite pre-installed without the need to install applications like Play Store, Chrome, Google Photos, Calculator and many others, it is possible that some manufacturers cannot or do not want to pay royalties to Google for their apps and suite for their devices. Therefore, we offer you all the tricks on how to download and install Google Play Store in any Android mobile, regardless of the model or brand of the terminal.

Descargar Play Store Gratis para móvil 【2024】

How to download Play Store for free on your mobile

Thanks to this tutorial you will be able update to the latest version of Google Play if your mobile updates give you problems or install Google Play on Chinese mobile phones that arrive without pre-installed Google services. And the Play Store is the main mobile download platform Android; so much so, that although there are other options, the Google store is the most used by the vast majority of Android users, minimizing the risk of installing malicious apps and offering other advantages such as Automatic Updates.

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How to download Play Store on Chinese phones without Google

Although most Chinese brands already enjoy international marketing including mobile apps, Google, it is likely that you will purchase an imported mobile phone that does not include the Google suite, since it is prohibited in China. Additionally, brands like Honor either Huawei They do not incorporate Google apps for the US government veto, so they are sold without Google-related applications.

How to download Play Store for free for mobile

Thus, brands like Xiaomi They allow you to download a utility that automatically installs all Google applications and services on your mobile, including Google Play. To do this, you only need to access the Xiaomi app store on your mobile and search Google Services either Google Installer; Once installed, among the options you will find the Google Play Store. Download the application and install the store app on your mobile; as simple as that.

On the other hand, there is the option of resorting to Play Services Info, a tool also available in Google Play which is responsible for analyzing the status of Google Play services on the mobile where it is installed, thus determining whether it is necessary to repair already installed files or install new file packages.

Of course, first of all you will have to activate the option Installing applications from unknown sources found in Settings – Security to be able to install any third-party app. Follow the steps below:

  1. Download and install Play Services Info from official website or from Google Play.
  2. Check the status of Google Play Services from Google Play on the app's home screen.
  3. If the mobile already has Google Play services installed, click on Play Store to download the APK file from Play Store.
  4. Using a native file explorer on your phone or a third-party app, go to the download path of the APK file and run the APK file to install Google Play Store.

How to download Play Store for free for mobile

How to download Play Store with the APK file

On the other hand, if your Android mobile already has the pre-installed Google Play services and you want to download the latest version of the Google Play Store on your mobile, either because you have uninstalled the app or you want a version that is not yet available for your smartphone, you can download the APK executable file from the Google Play Store and install the app manually.

For this we recommend visiting the website APKMirror, a website fully trustworthy that stores thousands of APK files of Android apps with all their versions available for download; follow the following steps:

  1. Accede to APKMirror from your mobile phone through the internet browser.
  2. Find the version of Google Play Store that you want to download; We recommend always downloading the latest version.
  3. Click on the app; in section Download Choose the version corresponding to your mobile.
  4. Click now on Download APK after the notice Verified and Safe to Install.
  5. Using a native file explorer on your phone or a third-party app, go to the download path of the APK file and run the APK file to install Google Play Store.

How to download Play Store for free for mobile

This way you can download and install the latest version of Google Play Store on your mobile and enjoy all its advantages.

How to download Play Store for free for mobile

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