How to teach a dog to relieve itself outside the home

In this article we will leave you a simple guide to help you teach your pet to relieve itself outside the home, whether it is a puppy or an adult dog.

Approximately one in four dogs that are delivered to shelters by their owners are abandoned due to behavioral problems as for relieving themselves in the house, since they have not been taught to poop outside the home.

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Fortunately, it is quite simple to train a dog of any age, we will only need patience, coherence and comprehension to teach him how to do things.

A routine for your dog

Have a daily routine It is important for dogs of any age, but it is especially important for the younger dogs. It is because puppies can't hold their pee very much, since its bladder only retains it for an hour depending on how many months the dog is. 

For this reason we have to associate time with bathing, thus making a routine to ensure that we do not have any accidents at home. We must take the dog out:

  • If it's a puppy every hour.
  • As soon as we get up in the morning.
  • If you have eaten or drunk a lot.
  • Before we go to sleep

It is also important to have a assigned place to go poop or pee, so your memory will know what its place is, for example if it is a puppy in a newspaper next to your bed or if it is adult in a tree that is close to home.

Having a fixed schedule can help our dog associate going out with going to the bathroom.

We must reward

Whenever our dog pees outside the house we must praise him and give him caresses within the three seconds after doing the positive behavior. It is important to always reward and praise him as dogs have difficulty associating actions and praise if too much time has passed. We can always give you your favorite toy or his favorite candy.

As you begin to know when you shouldn't pee and when you should, we can reduce the dose of sweets by giving him one when entering home It'd be enough.

When receiving praise, the dog knows that what he did was right and will do it more times.

It is very important that you always praise him, and also never scold him if he has an accident again, it is normal for learning dogs to relapse once or twice, so relax, be patient and learn with him. 

If the dog continues to pee inside the house, it may be because of the smell it has left behind. Clean the area where it usually relieves itself well, neutralizing the smell.

You may be interested in this article about how to train your dog step by step.