How to avoid congestion with home remedies.

Congestion is one of the worst sensations, especially when it usually occurs in the chest, luckily it can be avoided with some tricks and foods.

The chest congestion It is usually a quite unpleasant problem which even makes us feel uncomfortable, but like any problem, it has its quite simple solutions. Of course, whenever you notice that the congestion begins to worsen go to a doctor.

What drinks can I drink to avoid the answer?

There are many drinks that can help us prevent or eliminate both nasal and chest congestion.

How, for example, herbal teas waves hot drinks without caffeine. Hot drinks are usually used to remove mucus responsible for this congestion. Tea also has double the benefits since it can help you much more due to its multiple healing factors. They are advisable:

  • Mint tea
  • Ginger Tea
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Rosemary Tea

And it is also advisable to take it 4 or 5 times a day, especially after food. And if you add a few drops of honey, the effectiveness will increase. 

Tea has many beneficial factors for our health.

Other drinks that we can drink are sport drinks or the juices, given that increase electrolyte production which normally go down when our body works fighting the infection. Take the same amount of juice/sports drink as water, since in addition to hydrating you will replenish electrolytes. 

You should always look for sports drinks or juices sugar free and caffeine free

What foods should I eat to avoid congestion?

There are many food that can help us to avoid and to eliminate congestion, especially spicy foods like ginger and the garlic

The Foods often help cough up mucus from the chest., thanks to the fact that they irritate the nasal passages a little and make congested mucus secrete more easily. The foods that you should include in your diet on days when you are congested are:

  • spicy foods
  • citrus foods
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Peppers 

The spicy foods Above all, they will help you much more since they usually have anti-inflammatory properties demonstrated in several studies, these will help alleviate already make congestion take much longer to return.


If the you include in your food for 3 or 4 days Your body will feel much better. Other foods that can help you can be licorice root, the guava, he ginseng wave grenade. Above all, avoid greasy foods, sugar, fried foods and salt.

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