Many dogs tend to scratch the door when their owners are not home, when they want to go out, or when they are stressed. Learn how to avoid it and solutions.

The smell of our pets usually remains throughout the house, whether due to the type of pet we have or due to natural causes, but it can be eliminated.

Canine Parvovirus is one of the viruses most feared by dog owners. In this article you will find everything you need to know about it and its treatments.

Scabies is one of the most common diseases in dogs, find the most accessible home remedies against this coat and skin problem.

Ticks are one of the biggest enemies of our pets, which is why this list of the best home remedies against ticks is your best ally.

Does your dog not stand fireworks because of the noise and lights they generate? In this article you will find the solution to your problems.

Do you want your dog to be very cool and not suffer any consequences from the summer and heat? Here you will find tricks that will help you.

If you have always wanted a dog but allergies or shedding hair are holding you back, in this article we talk about dogs that do not shed hair.

Cutting a dog's nails is never easy, we leave you some tips on how to cut a dog's nails without suffering any harm.

In this article we will leave you a simple guide to help you teach your pet to relieve itself outside the home, whether it is a puppy or an adult dog.