How to adjust a recipe to your needs.

On many occasions we do not know how to adapt a recipe that we have seen on the Internet, here you will find a way to increase and reduce the portions.

How many times have you found a great recipe and couldn't make it because it was for 5 or 6 people and you were only 1? Luckily, that is about to end because there are many Ways to Adjust Recipes by Reducing Portions and Quantities with different settings necessary. 

How do I increase the recipe?

Read well.

The first thing you have to do is read the entire recipe very well, since most of it can be double or even triple of one very simple way. Think first about the number of times you will have to multiply the recipe to achieve the quantities well.

Use paper and pencil

Although it may seem silly to make a list, it will be very helpful, so write down the ingredients of the first recipe so you can multiply it well by the number of people you are. Although you should also know that alcohol or spices only must be multiplied by 1.5 even if there are 6 of you since the flavor can increase too much.

For example:

  •  3 eggs x 2 = 6 eggs
  • 50 ml of oil x 2 =100 ml of oil
  • 120 ml of milk x 2 = 240 ml of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of cognac x 1.5 = 3 tablespoons of cognac

Now you will only have to go shopping and prepare your delicious recipe for two people instead of for 1 person. In the event that the recipe was for 3 and there are 6 of you, you must also multiply by two, you must simply take the multiple of the number of people.

Once signed up it is impossible to forget and you can multiply as many times as you want to invite more people.

How do I reduce a recipe?

Grab paper and pencil too.

In the case of reducing recipes, we will also need to read the recipe carefully and write down all the quantities carefully, since as there are fewer people we will have to put in fewer quantities and in this case it may be somewhat tasteless. Instead of making multiples, here you must divide, for example If the recipe is for 6, divide it into 3..

In the case of divisions, it is very important to write down on paper and pencil, especially due to the issue of half cups, cups, tablespoons or for example eggs. If the recipe ask for a cup, divide into half a cup, and if you ask half a cup divided by one third. In the case of eggs, if the recipe only calls for 1 egg, you will have to use that egg, in this case it would be indivisible. By each half egg you round You will have to reduce the liquids in the recipe by 30 ml.

How to Measure the Main Ingredients in Cups│Baking Club

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