How to change Instagram name without waiting 14 days

Everything you need to know about changing your name on Instagram and how to avoid the name change prank

The social network instagram has received a new viral movement about account name change. It is a joke that has spread rapidly that ensures that if you change your name by putting the Username from another person with “@” in front, both accounts remain linked; and if you change a second time to a name that contains a swear word or insult The same thing will happen in the other account. This whole story makes direct reference to the fact that Instagram only allows you to change your name twice in 14 days, so when you make this viral prank, your account will be left with a name as an insult for two weeks. Therefore, below we tell you everything you need to know about the account name and username instagram, in addition to how the 14 day viral prank works so that you avoid falling into it.


Differences between name and username on Instagram

The first step to avoid falling for the name change joke on Instagram is to know the differences between name and username On Instagram; and the name change joke aims to take advantage of the particularity of the 14 days without being able to change the name to annoy the user. Let's see what differences exist between the name and the username on Instagram:

  • Instagram name | The Instagram name is completely free and is the name that the rest of the users associated with our account will see; You can use the name you want and even symbols and special characters and it does not matter if that name is already used by any other user, since it can be repeated without problem.
  • Instagram username | The Instagram username is the unique name that identifies each user and on this occasion it cannot be repeated, since it is used to find a specific user. This name cannot be longer than 30 characters and can only contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores.

Limits on Instagram name changes

  • Instagram name | Instagram only allows you to change your name twice every 14 days; Thus, it is changed once and then again, you will have to wait 14 days to change it again from the day of the second change.
  • Instagram username | In principle, Instagram does not put limits on username changes, so you can change it as many times as you want. Of course, when you change it, your previous username is reserved for the next 14 days so that no one can use it or impersonate another user.

How to avoid the name change prank

Below we detail how the viral Instagram name change prank works so that Do not fall in the trap and don't have to display an unwanted name on your account for 14 days until you can change it again.

How to change Instagram name without waiting 14 days

How the viral name change prank works is actually very simple. Thus, the user who falls into the trap thinks that by changing their name to that of another user, both Instagram accounts will be linked; in turn, if you change the name again, you are led to believe that the other user with the same name will also be changed to the same name. Hence it is encouraged to use bad names or insults to make it believe that the joke will have an effect on the other user.

Actually, the victim is the user himself which is intended to make the name change joke, since no matter how much an Instagram name is repeated in one account, no other account is modified nor is the name of any other account changed. This is when the user who intends to make the joke stays for 14 days with a bad name or as an insult, since you will have made two name changes and will not be able to change it again until the required two weeks have passed.

Can you change your Instagram name within 14 days?

No, can't change instagram name if it has been changed twice within 14 days; There is no magic way or method that can be done before the famous 14 days. The only solution is to wait for the two weeks to pass so you can change your Instagram name again. And don't trust any solution or tutorial of dubious origin; Often attempts are made to obtain sensitive information from the user through deception as solutions that are not real.

How to change Instagram name without waiting 14 days

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