Homemade insecticides for the garden

If we have small insects in our garden or orchard but we do not want to use pesticides, these natural insecticides can help you.

If we want maintain a garden either garden hills ecological possible, we should not use pesticides, therefore these homemade insecticides can help you rid your plants of harmful bugs without harming the environment or your vegetables. 

This is one of the methods that take less time It will take us to eliminate insect populations, Natural insecticides can help us drastically reduce the number of insects either delete them all.

But not all insects affect plants, some are even beneficial, if you want to know. What are the most common or harmful pests? You may be interested in this other article.

Soap spray.

He soap spray insecticide It is a type of insecticide that can be used to control Mites, aphids, white flies and beetles among other insects that come to our garden to eat the leaves.  It is used like this:

  1. We mix half a teaspoon of mild liquid soap with 1 liter of water.
  2. We spray the mixture directly on the infected surfaces in our garden.

This insecticide works similar to a pesticide in spray of oil, soap covers the body of insects and suffocates them since it blocks the pores through which they breathe. It can be applied as needed, although it is recommended do not use it on sunny afternoons

Neem oil insecticide.

He Neem oil It is obtained by being extracted from the seeds of the neem tree and is also a powerful natural insecticide which is capable of interrupting the life cycle of insects at any stage, whether they are eggs, larvae either Adults. Furthermore the Neem oil it is biodegradable and it is not toxic For other animals, it is only effective against a variety of common garden pests. 

  1. We add 2 teaspoons of Neem oil in a bottle.
  2. We continue with 1 teaspoon of mild liquid soap.
  3. We shake well with 1 liter of water and spray on the affected plants.

He Neem oil Furthermore, it can be used daily to prevent all possible pests that may reach us throughout the year, thus preventing the pest from going to greater intensities.

The Neem tree is used for many things, but the oil can even serve as a natural fungicide.

Garlic insecticide.

He smell of garlic which can be pleasant to many or repellent to others, works very well when used as natural insecticide. Although this works better as repellent that how insecticide.

  1. We take two whole garlic cloves (not cloves) and blend it with a small amount of water.
  2. We let the mixture rest overnight.
  3. We strain it into a small jar
  4. We add half a cup of vegetable oil
  5. We add a teaspoon of mild liquid soap.

With this we will have our natural insecticide that will eliminate the most common pests that are infesting our garden.

Garlic and chili can be used as insecticides.