Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

A complete guide to hide your personal information on the social network Facebook

Do you want to hide all your personal data in Facebook? Don't you want to continue sharing your publications, photos and videos with other users? Or do you just want to control the people who can access your content on the most popular social network? Below we offer you a complete guide with all the solutions to these and other questions, everything so that you can easily hide your personal data without having to permanently delete your account either delete your friends from Facebook. From your personal data to your photo albums, everything so you can hide the personal content you consider appropriate. Next, how to hide your personal data, posts and photos on Facebook.

How to Make My Complete Facebook Private

How to hide your personal data on Facebook

The first action we must take if we intend to hide personal information on Facebook is change privacy settings of our account. For it, enter Facebook and press the icon Service support in the form of a question mark, located in the upper right part of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear with numerous options; click on the entry Checking privacy settings next to a padlock icon.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

We will access a screen where we must perform several actions; the first will be decide who can see our posts. If you want no one to see them, choose the option Just me of Choose audience. Click on Following; now we must hide our personal data. So that no one can see them, choose the option Just me in the different drop-down windows. When finished press Following; the third step will be unlink our account from applications and websites from third parties with whom we have ever logged in through Facebook. To do this, select the option again Just me in all the applications in the list. When finished click on Finish.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

How to delete or hide posts

When we have completed the previous steps, all our new posts will appear hidden; but now we must do the same with all the old publications. Of course, we will have to go one by one, deciding who can access it or not. To do this, click on the icon located to the right of the date and choose Just me. Do the same with all the posts you want to hide.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

In the case of posts shared with other users where we have been labeled, we must Click on the three dots icon (…) to open the options menu. Now click on the option Delete tag so that our name is deleted from the publication and then click on the option Hide from biography so that it disappears from our profile.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

How to hide photo albums

Unique photos appear on Facebook like a normal post; Follow the above methods to hide them. On the other hand, for the Photo albums we must follow a different method; Thus, access the section Photos from your profile and click on Albums.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

Already in the Albums click on it three dots icon (…) of the album you want to hide and click on the option Edit from the popup menu; Here you can configure various options related to the album in addition to privacy. Click on the option Just me from the drop down menu Privacy. Repeat the same action with all the albums you want to hide.

How to hide profile photos and cover images

Both the profile photo and the Facebook cover image are public, but if we want to hide this information we can put images where we do not appear and hide old images. To do this, go to the section Photos of your profile and click on the profile picture wave cover photo; Browse through the old images and click on the icon Who do you want to see this?, to choose the option Just me. Repeat the same process with all the photos you want to hide.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

How to delete featured photos

If we have Facebook featured photos configured so that people who visit our profile can see them first, you probably also want to hide them. To do this, click on the button Edit that will appear in the photos that appear in the box Presentation, in the left column of the profile.

We will access a window with the featured photos of our profile; the only thing we have to do is click on the of each image to delete them. When finished, click on Keep to save the changes.

How to hide friends and followers lists

Finally, you may also want to hide your friends and followers lists. To do this, access the section Friends of your profile and click on the pencil icon to choose the option Edit privacy.

Facebook: How to hide your personal data, posts and photos

In the privacy editing window, choose in each case (friends, users you follow and followers) the option Just me. When you finish click on the button Ready. You will have already hidden all the main information from your Facebook profile.

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