Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Search engines, email, files in the cloud, browsers... A guide with the most interesting tools beyond the Google ecosystem

The ecosystem Google has become the current great dominator of the Internet, with countless tools, services and portals that encompass a good part of the possibilities that the network of networks offers us. And beyond Google's own search engine, the multinational has grown in a multitude of areas related to the Internet since its already distant debut in 1997, from emails to translators, including image search, cloud files, virtual organizers…The list is almost endless. But all these internet services, in principle free, have a high cost of which we are aware: Privacy. So much so that everyone knows Google's tendency to store all types of user personal data; from ourselves. So if you prefer to use other internet tools beyond Google, we offer you a list of 10 alternatives to the most common Google services.

Guide with the best alternatives to Google

Instead of the Google search engine… DuckDuckGo

And we couldn't start without mentioning the most famous tool of Google: the searcher. As an alternative we propose DuckDuckGo, a search engine that even adds functionalities that Google does not present, such as keyboard shortcuts. A very interesting tool that well deserves our attention as an alternative to the search engine search engine.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Gmail… Outlook

Gmail It has become one of the most popular email services in recent years thanks to its full integration into the Google ecosystem and many of its file management and communication tools... But Microsoft has managed to revitalize its email functions thanks to Outlook, the famous virtual email platform that has undergone a profound facelift in recent years, and even providing new interesting features on Gmail.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Chrome… Opera

Although each browser offers its advantages and disadvantages compared to the competition, Opera bets on a proven balance in all fields. And if we use Google Chrome or other alternatives such as edge either Firefox, we will not regret taking the definitive step to Opera. So much so, that it works in a very similar way to Chrome and even allows you to install its extensions without any problem.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Drive… Dropbox

While is true that Google Drive Today it offers more virtual space for our files in the cloud and the way to share large files, this did not happen until so long ago compared to Dropbox. Additionally, we must keep in mind that Dropbox is a company especially dedicated to cloud storage, unlike Google or Microsoft, which have many other interests. A comfortable, fast service full of possibilities.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Translate… Microsoft Translator

We must recognize the great work that Microsoft has done with its own translation tool; and yes Google translator If you think it is a key piece in your daily life to translate texts, do not hesitate to try the tool itself. Microsoft. In addition, it offers many advantages thanks to its full integration with the Edge browser, also from Microsoft.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Maps… HERE WeGo

We have to recognize that there is no more complete tool than Google Maps to request information about routes, places, traffic conditions, virtual visits... But there is an application that can be very interesting as a complement to Google Maps. Is about HERE WeGo, a tool that offers a high level of map detail and a multitude of real-time options to report traffic, with constant updates to the maps themselves and their possible changes.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Docs… Office Online

Despite Google Docs and all its options are very useful, Office Online Microsoft offers many other more than interesting tools and also for free. And if Docs and Word are both two more than proven tools, when we go to Excel Online we are at another level compared to Google. And with full compatibility and integration with Dropbox.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Calendar… Fruux

If we do not want to use Google Calendar, the best option is Fruux, a calendar-type application with full compatibility with Gmail, Facebook, Outlook and other top-of-the-line services. In addition, it allows us to bring everything together in the same calendar; A very valid option for those who want to have their daily lives well organized.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Photos… Amazon Prime Photos

Yes ok Google Photos It is number one as a photo manager, there is an application almost at its level and with many possibilities. This is the photo service amazon, which offers unlimited storage and sharing just as good as Google's. Thus, if we have an Amazon Prime account, we can use all its functions that will be very useful to manage our images.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

Instead of Google Domains… Flame Domain

Google Domains It is the most widespread domain registration service and one of the most useful and secure. But there are many others, among which stands out Flame Domain, a tool that also allows us to register domains, manage them and convert them into URLs. In addition, its interface is very similar to that of Google Domains and offers full compatibility with Google Apps.

Google Tricks: The best 10 alternatives on the internet

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