How to download the Income Tax draft

Learn as a taxpayer how to access the draft Income Tax online and present it to the Treasury

Let's see how to download the draft income tax, so that each taxpayer can access the draft Income tax online and present it to the Treasury online form. And every year, from the beginning of April to the end of June, taxpayers can download the draft of your previous exercise to present it to the Treasury for Internet. On the other hand, if you want to carry out the process in person, it can be done throughout the month of June. But let's go back to the telematic method; let's see next how to download the draft Rent to present it to the Treasury on-line.

How to download the Income Tax draft

The first thing you have to do is download the draft to ensure that the data provided is correct and corresponds to the deductions from the previous year; You have access to your draft online at the beginning of April (this 2021 from the 7th) as you can read in the official website from the BOE: “Taxpayers will be able to access their draft and their tax data, from the first day of the income campaign, through the Draft/declaration processing service.”

How to download the Income Tax draft

Steps to download your draft

Follow the steps below to download the income tax draft:

  1. Access the official website of the Tax agency.
  2. Click on the option Income [year of fiscal year] moving forward with you.
  3. Access the section Featured procedures.
  4. Look for the option Draft/declaration processing service (WEB Income).
  5. Enter your ID and the DNI validity date to identify you. You can also access with Certificate or electronic DNI or through the system Cl@ve.
  6. If you have previously accessed WEB Income, you will have the option to recover a previous declaration with Continue session; you can also choose New statement providing your tax information.
  7. On the other hand, if it is the first time you log in, another window will appear with your details as a filer and those of the rest of the members of your family unit.
  8. Review the data carefully and follow the instructions on additional tax data that may appear.

How to download the Income Tax draft

We are already in the final phase of the download the income draft; Thus, at the bottom of the page you will see the following options:

  • Continue with the statement.
  • Personal information.
  • View transferred data.
  • Keep.

If you click on Continue with the statement you will be able to access all its sections, Personal information to review your data and make sure it is correct, Ver transferred data, to review the tax data and Keep to retrieve the statement if you log in at another time.

Within each section you will see the option Summary of statements To get one PDF preview and see how everything looks before sending it; Likewise, you can also check the tax data and directly submit the declaration.

How to download the Income Tax draft

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