How to enter Google England

Do you want to search on Google as if you were in another country? Below we tell you step by step how to configure Google searches on PC and mobile

Let's see how to enter Google England, so that you can personalize your experience Google search as if you were in another country. In reality, it is very simple, since it will only be necessary to modify one parameter of the Google settings options, either through browsers for PC (computer) or on devices iOS mobiles and Android. And it is that he Google search engine offers some results or others depending on the search engine selected for the occasion and that in each country its own is activated by default. Below we will tell you step by step how to search Google as if you were in another country different from yours, like, for example, England.

Browse the internet with a different IP address Opera Google Chrome and Firefox

Google: how to search for another country

Index of contents

How to change the Google region on your computer

If you want to change the Google search region on a computer, you just have to access your regular internet browser and enter Google com. Once inside you just have to click on the menu Search settings in the lower right corner of the screen and scroll down until you find the Region Settings.

Now you just have to check the box for the region in which you want to perform your searches; If the region you want to select does not appear, click on Show more to open the full regions panel. When you mark the region through which you want to perform your Google searches, click on Keep to save the changes.

Remember that as long as you do not change the region again, your Google account will work across region that you have selected. On the other hand, if you change the region without being logged into your Google account, the change will only affect the searches you perform at that time.

Advanced configuration

Another option is to make the corresponding language and region changes through Google's advanced settings options. To do this, access again Google com with your usual Internet browser and click on the option Setting, located in the lower right corner of the screen next to the options Privacy and Terms. When you access you will see the option Advanced configuration; Click to access a menu where you can change aspects such as:

  • Language
  • Region
  • Last update
  • Site or domain

This will limit your search results to a specific region or language. Another option is to use a VPN program that modifies the region of your Internet activity.

How to change the Google region on iOS mobile (iPhone)

For mobile devices, the method for changing the region is similar to that for computers, although the steps are slightly different. Follow the steps below to change the Google region on iPhone (iOS):

  1. Access the google app.
  2. Click on the profile picture in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Now access Settings.
  4. Inside click on General.
  5. Now click on Search Settings.
  6. Configure Region and Language of the search results.
  7. Finally, click on Keep to save the changes.

How to enter Google England

How to change the Google region on your Android mobile

In the case of mobile Android The method is very similar to the previous one. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access the google app.
  2. Now click on Further, the three ellipsis icon.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. In the sections Language and Region change the parameters of Search region.

If you only want to change the search results and not the language, configure the Region and not that of Language.

How to change Google region on mobile (web browsers)

In the event that you want to modify Google search results through a Web navigator and not from the Google app, you can also configure these parameters through the following steps:

  1. Access your usual web browser and enter Google com.
  2. Click on it menu icon with three horizontal lines located in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Choose Settings.
  4. Now choose the Region and the Language with which you want to perform your Google searches.
  5. Click on Keep to save the changes.
  6. A pop-up message will appear confirming the saved changes.

Now you know how to change google search parameters both in computers (PC) like in mobiles (iOS and Android), either through the Google app or in web browsers.

How to enter Google England

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