How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

The definitive guide to stand out and succeed this summer on Instagram with the most popular ephemeral tool of the moment

instagram offers one of the tools of most popular social networks of the moment with the calls Instagram Stories, ephemeral publications that barely last 24 hours with which we can leave a mark among our followers with images or photos that cause a strong impact among our audience. How can we stand out among the 400 million users who view and use Instagram Stories every day? And it is that the famous tool of Instagram turns two years old, so we offer you the definitive guide to position our Instagram Stories among the most popular of the summer. Follow our tips to succeed these holidays with the best Instagram Stories.

14 TRICKS for INSTA STORIES that you DIDN'T KNOW | @paulagonu

How to succeed with the best Instagram Stories of the summer

A picture is worth a thousand words, a saying that in Instagram Stories It works as a thousand wonders. Therefore, we offer you the 10 best tips to succeed with your ephemeral stories among your followers this summer.

Tell a story

Beyond publishing a striking or striking image, it is essential to offer a interesting content through your own story with the calls instastories. Thus, we can share a full day of a special event or situation or, simply, something that we want to share about our life through several instastories in a row. This way, your followers will stay on your channel longer with the possibility of share and interact more with your posts.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Thematic stories

Summer, vacation and travel time, the perfect opportunity to share your experiences and activities with your followers, such as tours of the hotel where you are staying or the room where you will spend a few days, places you visit, special or unique activities... The options are almost endless. In addition, the good weather also favors the publication of sunsets, special meals or breakfasts and even outfits for summer, with ideal clothes or accessories for this time of year.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Take surveys

Involving your followers with your content is another tool that usually gives very good results; and we can do surveys or questions so that our followers become even more part of our publications. Thus, the surveys and feeling bars They always provide a greater degree of interaction with our history. A trick: always place the feeling bar near the thumb of the right hand to facilitate the click of yours followers.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Use geolocation

We can add location tags so that the Users searching for specific places can see your posts. To do this, once you have chosen the photo, click on the face that appears at the top right of the screen and select Place. Of course, you must have the location of your device activated so Instagram can know your exact location. As an extra, you can add the time and room temperature.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Use Hashtag Stickers

If we are lucky enough to attend a very well-known or popular summer event or party, we can always use Hashtag Stickers to relate our publication to searches about this event or festival. All these types of events have their own hashtag; Ask about him and add him to your stories to reach more people.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

story decoration

Instagram Stories allows us to add stickers or stickers and GIFs to decorate our publications and make them more striking. We can provide a touch of humor or dynamism to our images or videos in order to enhance certain aspects. Play with the fonts, colors and messages you want to enhance, all to achieve much more visual publications.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Handwritten texts

If we want to add a personal touch to our story, we can always use the free writing option. Thanks to this tool, we can hand write on the image (best on devices with stylus compatible) and add our signature, a hashtag or any other comment we want. To do this, select the pencil located at the top right of the screen; we can select the style of the stroke and the color to fit our text to the image.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Nature theme

In summer, searches for images of nature, whether beach or mountains, are very common; Therefore, we recommend doing stories about natural places you visit and leave your mark with your outdoor vacation.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Use the most beautiful images

Since Instagram is very visual, we recommend taking the most beautiful and careful captures. Thus, we must always look for the best possible framing, the best place and the best possible light, a special focus and a balanced general shot. With these tips, we will achieve the most striking and best-made images for our stories.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

Nice and humorous selfies

The selfies They usually work very well, especially during summer, holidays and good weather. And the best of all is that we can add all kinds of elements to enhance our sense of humor and share nice and fun stories with our followers. Use stickers, emoticons and all kinds of filters with animal masks, fashion accessories and other additions to achieve the most original and cool self-portraits.

How to make the best Instagram Stories of the summer

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