How to remove likes from Instagram

Do you want to hide the likes on your Instagram profile? Below we show you how to remove public likes so that only you can see them

Let's see how to remove likes from Instagram, so that you can hide the number of I like your posts and that no one can see who has given you a like. And for some time now, Instagram has given its users the option of hide likes on your posts, a tool that allows you to hide the count of likes or reproductions if it is a video and that the rest of the users do not see any of said information. Of course, you will have to activate this option in the publications in which you want to hide their likes, one by one, since cannot be enabled for all at once. You want to know how to remove likes and view counts in your posts instagram? Keep reading.

HIDE LIKES on INSTAGRAM is now possible! Do it like this ⬅️

Instagram: how to hide the likes of a post

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How to hide your Instagram likes

Follow the steps below to hide likes on your Instagram posts. Remember that you will have to do it one by one in the posts where you want to remove likes and view counts.

  1. Access your Instagram account and locate the publication from which you want to hide its likes.
  2. Within the post click on it three horizontal dots button located in the upper right corner of the screen to display the publishing options.
  3. Now click on the option Hide like count; Thanks to this, the rest of the users will no longer be able to see who has liked it or how many that post has.

How to remove likes from Instagram

And if you want to reactivate the like count for a post in which you have deactivated it, you must follow the same steps and select the option Show like count.

How to hide all Instagram likes

Now, Instagram also offers the option of hide counts of all likes and number of views of all publications, not only yours, but those of all of Instagram. So, if you activate this option, From your account you will not be able to see likes or video views of the rest of the users.

If you like hide likes and view count of all Instagram, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Access Instagram and enter your profile.
  2. Now access the options Setting from Instagram via the gear wheel icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  3. Access the section of Privacy.
  4. Now click on the option Publications.
  5. Inside, activate the switch Hide like and view counts.

How to remove likes from Instagram

As in the previous case, you can disable this option whenever you want through the same options menu, in order to redisplay the likes and the number of views of all users of instagram.

How to remove likes from Instagram

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