How to share Instagram stories in which we appear

Tutorial to learn how to share the story of a contact who mentions us

The calls instagram stories have become a phenomenon among the most active users of said social network, although other platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp either snapchat They also offer them to their users. These are publications with or without an image that are published unexpectedly and are only visible during the following 24 hours. And it is precisely on Instagram where stories have become most popular, with millions of users sharing their stories daily and mentioning other users to make them even more viral. And it is precisely this aspect that we will delve into in this tutorial, in order to learn how to share stories of instagram from other users in which we appear.

How to share a story in which I have been mentioned on Instagram

How to share Instagram stories with our tag

When an Instagram user tags us in their story as a text, image or video post, using “@” before our username in instagram, we will automatically receive a notice by private message, also know as Instagram Direct.

And until recently, the only option that Instagram allowed after receiving a mention was to open the publication and check its content. On the other hand, now it is possible to share said story through the option Add this content to your story, which will allow us publish said story with our mention on our Instagram account, in order to share it directly with our followers.

Once we have accessed Add this content to your story, an editing window for said story will open where we can add text, gifs or stickers, as if it were its own story, but using another user's story as a basis that mentions us.

How to share Instagram stories in which we appear

With the story already edited by us, the last step will be to click the icon Your history to share it on our profile; Furthermore, and once we publish said story on our profile, the author of the original story you will receive a notification which will inform you that we have published your story with our tag on our profile.

Once the story is published on our profile, a hyperlink with user name who created the original story; If we click on said link, we will go directly to the original user profile.

On the other hand, if we want to prevent anyone from publishing our stories on their profiles, instagram includes the option of disable story sharing option. To do this, open the story that we do not want to share, click on the three points in the lower right corner of the screen and access Story Settings; now disable the option Allow sharing which is already activated by default.

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