Google Maps Live View: how to use augmented reality navigation

Now you can easily use augmented reality in Google Maps thanks to Live View: use your mobile phone while you move through the streets of your city

Let's see how to use Google Maps Live View easily, so you can navigate with augmented reality through your mobile. And after abandoning its exclusivity with Google Pixel, this new and striking function is reaching most devices iPhone and Android, as long as they are compatible with the ARCore technology. Therefore, below we will tell you how to use live view on Google Maps on your smartphone, in order to use augmented reality in real time and while you move.

How to use Google Map Live View

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How to know if my phone is compatible with Live View

Before you learn how to use Live View with Google Maps, you have to make sure that your mobile is compatible with the ARCore technology. To do this, you can consult the official list of compatible mobile phones through the following link.

You can also simply check if you have the application Google Play Services for AR installed on your mobile. In the event that your mobile phone is finally compatible, below we show you how to access and use augmented reality navigation from Google Maps.

How to use Live View in Google Maps

The first step is to access Google Maps and search the site the one you want to navigate. To do this, press the destination directly on the map or write it in the text box. Once you have it, you will access the Google Maps file of the desired destination; now click on the icon How to get that will appear on the sheet.

Now the route you must follow to reach that destination will appear; By default, the route will be by car. Now is when you should choose the option to go on foot or walking. This option will appear below your location and destination names, right above the map.

Google Maps Live View: how to use augmented reality navigation

Google Maps will change the walking route; Below you will see the information of the route such as duration or distance, as well as the button to start navigation. Now don't press the button Start, but you will have to press the icon Live View, right next to it, on the left.

Now you can focus your mobile camera around you, the street, the buildings, the signs and everything you see. Google Maps will use all that visual information to locate your position and know where are you exactly.

This way you can start walking by pointing your phone; the signs will appear on the screen of what you are seeing in real time, superimposed on the live image that you see through the mobile camera. This augmented reality system will be very useful for know all the information around you while you move on foot.

Now you know how to use Live View of Google Maps and take advantage of the advantages and benefits of Google augmented reality.

Google Maps Live View: how to use augmented reality navigation

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