How to disinfect your cell phone, keyboard and mouse

Tricks to clean your devices due to coronavirus

In these times of maximum health alert due to coronavirus pandemic It is vitally important to maintain a high level of hygiene, especially with the devices we handle in our daily lives, such as he mobile, the tablet or the keyboard and mouse of our computer. And you won't get sick by touching someone affected by the coronavirus, but you will get sick if you put your hand to your mouth, nostrils, eyes, or come into contact with an open wound on your body, no matter how small. Therefore, below we offer you a complete tutorial with the best tricks to disinfect your cell phone or the keyboard and mouse of your computer, only as a health precaution.

How to disinfect your mobile

The basic way to clean a mobile phone is by using a solution of isopropyl alcohol diluted in distilled water; follow the next steps:

  1. Remove the case if you protect your mobile in this way; Check the main ports of the terminal such as the charging port, headphone jack, speakers... Use a small object such as a toothpick or cotton swabs dipped in diluted water to clean these ports.
  2. Do the same with the phone case, thoroughly cleaning the gaps and crevices; If it is removable, open it and clean all exposed areas.
  3. Now dilute some isopropyl alcohol in a small container with distilled water; Dampen a microfiber cloth and clean all the exterior surfaces of the phone, including the screen. If the case is removable, do the same with the inside of it.
  4. Wait for it to dry or speed up the process by wiping it with another dry microfiber cloth.

How to disinfect your cell phone, keyboard and mouse

Another option is the cleaning kits that can be purchase on Amazon and other digital stores that bring everything necessary to complete the previous steps; Yes, be careful with prepared solutions that may be too invasive.

On the other hand, digital stores like Amazon also sell UV sterilizer kits with a price between 35 and 50 euros. These are devices in which the mobile phone is inserted inside and some devices are activated. UV rays that sterilize the terminal quite effectively.

How to disinfect your cell phone, keyboard and mouse

How to disinfect the computer keyboard

If you use the computer on a regular or daily basis, it is essential to have all its surfaces clean (more so in an office), since a hidden keyboard many corners where a lot of dirt can accumulate, from the keys themselves to the grooves between keys or the casing itself and its surfaces; follow the next steps:

  1. The first step is to disconnect the keyboard from the computer if it is a keyboard with a USB cable connection.
  2. Now take the keyboard, turn it over and shake it to remove any dirt that may fall due to gravity.
  3. You can use a can of compressed air to try to blow out dirt stuck in the keyboard's grooves; If not, a vacuum cleaner also works at low power to avoid causing damage to the keyboard. Likewise, we can clean more deeply with a fine brush or a small paint brush to clean the different crevices.
  4. Now dilute some isopropyl alcohol in a small container with distilled water; Dampen cotton swabs and clean all surfaces of the keyboard and its many crevices.
  5. Do the same with a microfiber cloth and clean the surfaces of the keyboard and keys.

If it is a mechanical keyboard, you can remove keys with a specific tool to better access the interior of the keyboard and perform a deeper cleaning.

How to disinfect your cell phone, keyboard and mouse

How to disinfect the laptop keyboard

In the case of a laptop we can follow the same steps, although with a little more caution; In this case, the keys are much more embedded in the computer, so we cannot clean the inside or remove them. Can use a microfiber cloth and cotton swabs to clean all surfaces.

How to disinfect the computer mouse

The computer mouse is a device that can accumulate a lot of dirt; follow the next steps:

  1. Disconnect the mouse from the computer; Remove the battery if it is inside and it can be done.
  2. Wipe a microfiber cloth with a solution of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water over its different surfaces.
  3. Use cotton swabs to clean dirt from the different crevices, especially on the buttons and the bottom of the mouse, where the sensor is located.

Some mice more specialized in gaming or professionals They can be disassembled into different pieces; In this case, disassemble the mouse as much as possible and clean each part individually.

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