How to save an Instagram post as a draft

Learn how to save your posts as drafts on Instagram before publishing them and find them easily among the app's options.

Let's see how to save a Instagram post as draft, so that you don't lose your posts before publishing them if any problem arises, such as a possible loss of Internet connection, among others. And most likely, and on more than one occasion, you have run out of mobile data coverage or you have a very weak Wi-Fi connection that does not allow you to upload your contents to Instagram or any another social network. Or perhaps it has also happened to you that you have mistakenly hit the Back and you have lost all the changes you had been working on for a long time. Luckily, Instagram has a function called Drafts that allows you to retouch images and save them as drafts to upload at a later time. Therefore, below we show you all about drafts instagram: What are they and how do they work.

How to create a draft post for Instagram

Save your Instagram posts as drafts

Index of contents

And when creating a publication, Instagram offers the possibility of save said post as a draft and upload it later, when the user wants or can. If you want to start using Instagram Drafts for added security, read on for all the details.

How to save an Instagram post as a draft

When you have created your post on Instagram, you can save it as a draft to share later, when you consider. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Instagram app and click on it camera center icon located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Now upload a picture or a video.
  3. Edit the photo or video adding effects, filters, a caption or location, for example; whatever you think is convenient.
  4. Go back to the filter and edit step and press the back arrow located at the top left of the screen.
  5. Finally, select the option Save draft at the bottom of the screen.

How to save an Instagram post as a draft

Important note

If you want to save a post as a draft you will have to Mandatory editing of the photo or video, adding whatever you want, since if you don't you won't be able to save the photo as a draft to use later.

How to view saved drafts

If you ever want to access your saved drafts to view them again, tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen and then tap Library. The posts you have saved will appear at the bottom of the screen, in the section Drafts.

How to save an Instagram post as a draft

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