WhatsApp already allows the use of custom emojis both in iOS like in Android, the calls memojis, a sort of stickers with unique faces based on the users themselves of the popular app mobile instant messaging. These are a type of larger emojis especially indicated for reflect both the wearer's unique personality and mood through a good handful of customization options and a use that is as direct as it is intuitive. Therefore, below we offer you a complete guide to memojis, what they are and how they are used via WhatsApp.
What are memojis and how are they used on iOS and Android
Memojis are a type of emojis created by Manzana for your mobile devices, i.e. iPhone, and that allow us create our own custom emojis to express more through accessories and expressions of all kinds, from skin color to eye color, through hairstyles, expressions and other accessories and accessories from a large selection. As we say, it is a type of emoji created by Apple, so They are only available natively on iPhone, although below we will also teach you how to create memojis on Android.
How to create memojis on iPhone
Apple memojis came to the iPhone some time ago, although until now they have not become popular thanks to its inclusion in WhatsApp natively, allowing us to share our own memojis with other users of the instant messaging app. To create memojis on iPhone it is essential to update the mobile operating system to iOS 13.
Once we have our iPhone updated to iOS 13, either through automatic mobile updates or by manually searching for the latest version of the operating system using Settings – General – Software update, we can now access WhatsApp to open a chat with one of our contacts, whether it is a new chat window or an existing one. Already in the chat we must Click on the Animojis icon and slide your finger to the right until Memojis.
Now within the Memojis menu we can create our own personalized avatar through the different options; once created we must save it, in order to store it in the stickers section of your WhatsApp account. Although we can also edit already created memojis or create new ones through the ellipsis icon in the WhatsApp sticker bar and thus access the Memoji Stickers.
How to create memojis on Android
As we say, memojis are exclusive to Apple, at least natively, so we will not be able to create memojis on Android, although there are a series of tricks that will allow us to use and even create emojis similar to memojis in Android phones.
The first option is that you have a contact who uses iPhone so you can create a memoji on your mobile, so that, once completed, I can send it to you as a sticker through WhatsApp. Once you receive said memoji on your Android you will be able save it to your sticker gallery and use it whenever you want.
The second option is to resort to google keyboard, take a photo and create your own personalized emojis, a kind of less elaborate memoji than those on the iPhone but which can offer a good variety of customization options. Google's own keyboard also allows the use of so-called Bitmojis, an option even more advanced than the previous one and that will allow us create more complete and animated emojis and that we can share on WhatsApp.