WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

A guide with three essential tricks to limit the use of data on our mobile connection through WhatsApp.

WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging application in the world along with Telegram for devices iOS mobiles and Android, is an essential tool in our daily lives, since it allows us we can communicate with family, friends and acquaintances in a fast, comfortable, simple and direct way. Even so, the app hides numerous tricks that go unnoticed by the average user, in addition to the fact that it can cause some setbacks if we do not have any type of control over its available options. Setbacks such as the possibility of running out of monthly data if we download too many media files or we make more video calls than recommended, among other actions. Therefore, we offer you up to three essential tricks to learn to control mobile data use through WhatsApp.

How to Save Data on WhatsApp TRICKS Part 2 - How to configure

How to configure WhatsApp to use less mobile data

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Disable automatic downloads with data

The most recommended option and what we should do first is none other than disable automatic downloads over mobile data. To do this we must access the Settings from WhatsApp through three dots icon (…) located in the upper right part of the main screen of the app.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Once we have accessed Settings we must enter Data and storage, where we can configure the type of downloads that WhatsApp makes and that most affect mobile data consumption. Thus, once inside said menu we can configure the type of downloads in Connected to mobile data through Automatic downloads, in order to force WhatsApp to download only one type of files through mobile data.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Once we have accessed this option, we will only have to select the types of files that we want WhatsApp to download only through mobile data, among:

  • Photos
  • Audio
  • Videos
  • Documents

This will prevent WhatsApp from downloading certain types of files that may require more connection data, such as large videos or photoseither.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Reduces call quality

The next step to save mobile data on WhatsApp is reduce the quality of voice calls in order to spend less MB with lower sound quality. To do this, go back to three dots icon (…) located in the upper right corner of the main WhatsApp screen to display the main WhatsApp options menu.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Again we must turn to Data and storage to access the options regarding WhatsApp download data. Now we must activate the option Reduce data usage through the little tab located at the end of said menu. Once activated, our voice calls through WhatsApp will have a slightly lower sound quality, all in exchange for saving a few MB at the end of the month.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Set up backups

The third option to save download data on WhatsApp is configure automatic backups that the app performs through Google Drive in the case of Android and iCloud in the case of iOS. Thus, again we must click on the three dots icon (…) located in the upper right corner of the screen to access the app's options menu and click on Settings. Now we must access Chats, the second option on the menu.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

Within the chats menu we must go to the option Backup, where we can configure the application backup options. By default, WhatsApp for Android makes copies through Google Drive so that if we have any type of problem with our device, we can restore our chats No problem.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

The problem is that these copies use mobile data with each new automatic data upload to make the backup; Therefore, the more we space these backups, the more data we will save at the end of the month. To do this, we can choose to click on Save using and choose Wifi rather Wi-Fi or mobile data, which will guarantee that backup copies are made only via Wi-Fi connections and not waste mobile data.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

The other option is to click on Save to Google Drive on Android devices to access a pop-up window that offers us different time periods to make backup copies automatically. In this case, if we want to save as much data as possible, we just have to click on the option Monthly.

WhatsApp: How to reduce the use of data on our mobile

In this way, the system will only make one backup per month, which guarantees the minimum use of mobile data in the event that we have enabled the backup only via mobile data.

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