How to treat canine mange with home remedies

Scabies is one of the most common diseases in dogs, find the most accessible home remedies against this coat and skin problem.

Before starting we must know what what is scabies, since many dogs seem to have scabies but they do not suffer from it, so these Natural medicine might not be useful to them, and they might have a simple skin problem

What is scabies?

Mange is an itchy dog skin that is usually caused by parasitic mites. Due to the drying of the skin that this produces, our dogs can have a scab. What can you notice?

  • Loss of fur.
  • Skin sores.
  • Anxiety.
  • Restlessness in the dog.

scabies can be fatal for our pet and if we have more than one, we must keep the dog with mange away from the healthy dog until it heals.

Natural remedies against scabies.

scabies can be treated with various natural remedies, ranging from the full bathroom to exact cleaning of crusts or food additives. These remedies are:

A good apple cider vinegar bath, this can help eliminate scabies mites. You just have to mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of borax and warm water. With this we give a small bathroom to our dog, making sure all the time that it does not touch its mouth, eyes or lick the water, since borax can be harmful. At the end it is very important that I do not know what with towel or hairdryer, let it dry naturally. Put the cone on to prevent licking.

If you don't want to risk a bath, the same mixture can be applied with a spray to the most affected areas.

Or use only the Apple vinager in our dog's food or water, a small teaspoon can help since it has properties antiseptic and create a pH balance.

apple cider vinegar helps pH

Honey is another good natural remedy since it has incredible properties what you can use to cure diseases in animals and humans. Its properties are mainly antiseptic and antioxidants that will help heal sore skin and sensitive also developing immunities. We simply must apply honey directly on the scabby spots.

He olive oil It is also very interesting, since if we apply it to the affected areas we can calm sensitive skin and help eliminate scabies from the area. 

Finally the hydrogen peroxide and the borax, Yeah we bathe to our pet with a solution of these two elements, we will get kill scabies and heal skin sores. It is the most used solution.

We must always be careful with our pet, especially with licks.

These treatments should be used until the scabies disappears completely, which can be a week or even a month. We should also know that the fur can take much longer to grow.

If we want avoid relapses We will have to treat the skin spots, ears, nose well and bathe our pet once a week.

Other tricks for dogs.