Cheats for Imperium III The Great Battles of Rome for PC

All the codes, cheats, keys and cheats for Imperium III the Great Battles of Rome for PC from FX Interactive

To use the codes Imperivm III The Great Battles of Rome In the PC version you must select a structure or unit and press "Enter" to open the "Conversation" or "Chat" window. Type the code in the "Conversation" window and press "Enter" again. If you make a mistake typing the code, it will appear as a message sent to other players. If it does not appear in the chat window, you have written it correctly and the program has recognized and activated it.

As you will see, there are some codes for which it is not necessary to select any unit or structure.

Once the "Conversation" window is open, you can use the up or down arrow to view messages you have previously written. This way you avoid having to write the same code continuously.

Cheats for Imperium III

Access the code console by pressing ENTER, write the code and then press ENTER again to activate it:

  • Explore All – Shows the entire map.
  • sels.AddToPopulation(100) – Adds 100 inhabitants to the settlement.
  • sels.SetFood(20000) – Adds 20,000 units of food.
  • sels.SetGold(20000) – Adds 20,000 gold units.
  • selu.AddBonus(200, 200, 60, 60, 20000) – Increases the skills of the selected unit.
  • selu.SetLevel(200) – Level 200 for the selected hero.

Codes that work with units:

  • SELU.HEAL(50000) – Heals the selected unit.
  • SELU.ADDBONUS(200, 60, 60, 20000) – Makes the unit practically invincible.
  • SELU.SETLEVEL(200) – The selected unit reaches level 200.

Codes on fortresses or villages:

  • SELS.SETFOOD(20000) – Increases the supplies of the selected settlement to 20,000 units.
  • SELS.SETGOLD(20000) – Increases the settlement to 20,000 gold units.
  • SELS.ADDTOPOPULATION(100) – Adds 100 inhabitants to the settlement.

Performance codes:

  • SETSPEED(10000) – Increases the game speed by 10.
  • SETSPEED(1000) – Return to normal speed.
  • EXPLOREALL – View the entire map without dark areas.
  • TOGGLEFOG – Activate or deactivate the fog to be able to see everything that is happening on the map.

All Imperium cheats:

In this video you can see how they are introduced

IMPERIUM III Tricks The Great Battles of Rome