Dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO: complete list and how to catch them

Guide to find all the dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO and how to capture them

Below we offer you the solution for find and capture all the dark pokemon Pokémon GO, dark versions of the standard creatures that have been corrupted by evil and that come to popular Niantic app next to Team GO Rocket. Thus, we will be able to come across dark Pokémon through Pokéstops invaded and capture them to purify them. Therefore, below we offer you a Complete guide with all the dark Pokémon of Pokémon GO, as well as how to capture and purify them.


All the dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO and how to capture and purify them

We can capture dark Pokémon in Pokéstops invaded by Team GO Rocket; We will quickly identify them by their reddish eyes and a dark aura around it. In addition, dark Pokémon have the charged move Frustration and they cost three times as much Candies and Stardust.

Dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO: complete list and how to catch them

To capture them we just have to face Team GO Rocket in invaded PokéStops; once defeated, they will abandon their dark Pokémon, at which point we can easily capture them as if it were a defeated raid boss.

How to purify dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO

Once we have captured dark Pokémon we can purify them. To do this, the first step is to identify and find the captured dark Pokémon; You will easily identify them by their reddish eyes and dark aura. Next to them you will see a new potion called Purify, a method with which we can purify these Pokémon and return them to their natural state; Yes, each purification will cost a certain number of Candies and Stardust.

Dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO: complete list and how to catch them

Additionally, when purifying a Pokémo, it learns Return and raise your IVs by 2; You can check the IVs with the Pokémon GO calculator. On the other hand, purified Pokémon increase their level cap 25 and decreases by 10% the cost of candy by enhancing or evolving them. To complete a purification just click on Purify and then in Yeah to confirm the purification of said Pokémon; This way we will free him from the evil that has corrupted his heart and we will be able to get hold of his standard version.

All the dark Pokémon of Pokémon GO

  • Bulbasaur
  • Charmander
  • Squirtle
  • Rattata
  • Snorlax
  • Zubat
  • Oddish
  • Gloom
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Psyduck
  • Growlithe
  • Poliwag
  • Open
  • Grimer
  • Drowzee
  • Cubone
  • Scyther
  • Magikarp
  • hitmonchan
  • Dratini
  • Houndour
  • Larvitar
  • Mudkip
  • Ralts
  • Turtwig

Second wave of dark Pokémon

  • Weedle
  • kakuna
  • Beedrill
  • Electabuzz
  • Magmar
  • Lapras
  • mareep
  • Seedot
  • Nuzleaf
  • Sableye
  • Trapinch
  • Cacnea
  • Shuppet
  • Duskull

You will be able to identify purified Pokémon by having a blue star next. We recommend capturing many Pokémon of a Pokémon that we want to purify in order to obtain more powerful Pokémon and, in turn, increase the level of your Purifier medal.

Next dark Pokémon coming to Pokémon GO

  • Ekans (Gen 1)
  • Arbok (Gen 1)
  • Sandshrew (Gen 1)
  • Sandslash (Gen 1)
  • Nidoran Female (Gen 1)
  • Nidorina (Gen 1)
  • Nidoqueen (Gen 1)
  • Nidoran Male (Gen 1)
  • Nidorino (Gen 1)
  • Nidoking (Gen 1)
  • Vulpix (Gen 1)
  • Ninetales (Gen 1)
  • Vileplume (Gen 1)
  • Meowth (Gen 1)
  • Persian (Gen 1)
  • Golduck (Gen 1)
  • Arcanine (Gen 1)
  • Poliwhirl (Gen 1)
  • Poliwrath (Gen 1)
  • Kadabra (Gen 1)
  • Alakazam (Gen 1)
  • Machop (Gen 1)
  • Machoke (Gen 1)
  • Machamp (Gen 1)
  • Bellsprout (Gen 1)
  • Weepinbell (Gen 1)
  • Victreebell (Gen 1)
  • Magnemite (Gen 1)
  • Magneton (Gen 1)
  • Muk (Gen 1)
  • Hypno (Gen 1)
  • Exeggcute (Gen 1)
  • Exeggutor (Gen 1)
  • Marowak (Gen 1)
  • Hitmonlee (Gen 1)
  • Koffing (Gen 1)
  • Weezing (Gen 1)
  • Gyarados (Gen 1)
  • Porygon (Gen 1)
  • Omanyte (Gen 1)
  • Omastar (Gen 1)
  • Articuno (Gen 1)
  • Zapdos (Gen 1)
  • Moltres (Gen 1)
  • Flaffy (Gen 2)
  • Ampharos (Gen 2)
  • Bellossom (Gen 2)
  • Politoed (Gen 2)
  • Misdreavus (Gen 2)
  • Wobbuffet (Gen 2)
  • Gligar (Gen 2)
  • Scizor (Gen 2)
  • Shuckle (Gen 2)
  • Sneasel (Gen 2)
  • Houndoom (Gen 2)
  • Porygon2 (Gen 2)
  • Pupitate (Gen 2)
  • Tyranitar (Gen 2)
  • Shiftry (Gen 3)
  • Kirlia (Gen 3)
  • Gardevoir (Gen 3)
  • Mawile (Gen 3)
  • Carvanha (Gen 3)
  • Sharpedo (Gen 3)
  • Vibrava (Gen 3)
  • Flygon (Gen 3)
  • Cacturne (Gen 3)
  • Absol (Gen 3)
  • Bagon (Gen 3)
  • Shelgon (Gen 3)
  • Salamence (Gen 3)
  • Beldum (Gen 3)
  • Metang (Gen 3)
  • Metagross (Gen 3)
  • Grotle (Gen 4)
  • Torterra (Gen 4)
  • Chimchar (Gen 4)
  • Monferno (Gen 4)
  • Infernape (Gen 4)
  • Mismagnius (Gen 4)
  • Stunky (Gen 4)
  • Skunktank (Gen 4)
  • Weavile (Gen 4)
  • Magnezone (Gen 4)
  • Electivire (Gen 4)
  • Magmortar (Gen 4)
  • Gliscor (Gen 4)
  • Porygon-Z (Gen 4)
  • Gallade (Gen 4)

How to beat Dark Snorlax in Pokémon GO

Dark Snorlax It is one of the most powerful and difficult to beat dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO. And thanks to the evil that has infected Snorlax's heart, this dark version of the Pokémon is capable of using fast Ghost and Psychic type moves, as well as the Normal, Earth and Steel charged moves.

Dark Pokémon in Pokémon GO: complete list and how to catch them

Below we offer you a selection of Recommended Pokémon to beat Dark Snorlax more easily.

  • Tyranitar | Ideal moves: Smash Down and Crush
  • Ursaring | Ideal moves: Counterattack and Point Blank
  • Lucario | Ideal moves: Counterattack and Increasing Punch
  • Weavile | Ideal moves: Frozen Song and Avalanche
  • Dragonite | Ideal Moves: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
  • Metagross | Ideal moves: Bullet Punch and Meteor Punch

We also recommend the following Legendary Pokémon to defeat Dark Snorlax:

  • Lugia | Ideal Moves: Paranormal and Air Attack
  • Latios | Ideal Moves: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
  • Dialga | Ideal Moves: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
  • Palkia | Ideal Moves: Dragobreath and Drake Comet
  • heatran | Ideal Moves: Fire Spin and Sharp Rock

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