GTA Guide: San Andreas – Side Missions

Guide to all the secondary missions of GTA San Andreas, know all the tests and the rewards that we can obtain for completing them


Weapons Graffiti horseshoes
Photographs oysters Unique Jumps
Codes Driving schools Ilegal races
Valet Mission    


The Driving Schools

In GTA San Andreas, driving schools were included, there are 4 types in total, car, motorcycle, nautical and aviation, they are unlocked by completing the main Mission "Deconstruction" (cars and nautical), but they will not all be available until completing all the missions. San Fierro (motorcycle). The aviation story is part of the main story in the "Learning to Fly" mission. Here we leave you a video with the location of the driving schools.

Location of Driving Schools in GTA San Andreas


Car Driving School

It is the first one we unlock, it has a total of 12 tests: 

  1. The 360
  2. The 180
  3. Skid and Stop
  4. Puncture and control
  5. quick lap
  6. Dodge the cones
  7. The 90
  8. On two wheels
  9. Turn and Follow
  10. Arrest technique
  11. alley hoop
  12. City walk


  • We can buy Wang Cars for $50,000, a company that sells cars.
  • More skill when driving cars
  • If we get the Bronze Medal we unlock the Super GT.
  • If we get the Silver Medal we unlock the Bullet.
  • If we get the Gold Medal we unlock the Hotknife.

You can see the car driving school tests starting at minute 24:00 in the video.

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 39 "The driving schools"

Aviation Driving School

Learning to Fly (known as the Aviation School) is one of the 4 driving schools in San Andreas. It is mandatory to pass this school, at least with bronze medals, to be able to continue with the game. The mission consists of 10 tests that must be carried out. When CJ buys the flight pad, Toreno calls CJ telling him that he will have to learn to fly or else "very bad things" will happen to Sweet.

It consists of 10 tests: 

  1. Takeoff (airplane)
  2. Landing (airplane)
  3. Back to the track
  4. Return and Landing
  5. Takeoff (helicopter)
  6. Landing (helicopter)
  7. Destroy targets
  8. Curly
  9. tunnel return
  10. Parachute jump


  • If we get all the Bronze medals (mandatory to continue) we unlock the Rustler.
  • If we get all the Silver medals we unlock the StunPlane.
  • If we get all the Gold medals we unlock the Hunter

In this video you can see the different aviation tests:

Motorcycle Driving School

We unlock it by passing all the San Fierro missions, this driving school consists of 6 tests: 

  1. The 360
  2. The 180
  3. Little horse
  4. Jump and Stop
  5. Stoppie
  6. Jump and Stoppie


  • More skill when driving motorcycles
  • If we get the Bronze medal we unlock the Freeway.
  • If we get the Silver medal we unlock the FCR-900.
  • If we get the Gold medal we unlock the NRG-500.

You can see the motorcycle driving school tests starting at minute 1:50 in the video.

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 39 "The driving schools"

Nautical Driving School

It is the simplest of the 4 since it only consists of 5 fairly simple tests:

  1. Basic Nautical.
  2. Trace a route.
  3. Slalom.
  4. Flying fish.
  5. Land, Sea and air.


  • More skill when sailing.
  • If we get the Bronze medal we unlock the Marquis.
  • If we get the Silver medal we unlock the Squallo.
  • If we get the Gold medal we unlock the JetMax.

You can see the nautical driving school tests starting at minute 8:00 in the video.

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 39 "The driving schools"


Ilegal races

They are unlocked by completing the Car Driving School, we can access them in 4 locations, Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas and at the Las Venturas Airport. By winning each race we get $10,000. We leave you a video with all the races in each area.

Saints Races

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 53 "Racing 1"

San Fierro Races

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 54 "Racing 2"

Las venturas races

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 55 "Racing 3"

Las Venturas Airport Racing

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 56 "Racing 4"


Valet Missions

The valet parking missions will be available after completing mission 555 We tip. In this mission, what you have to do is simple, wait at the hotel with the other valets, for a car to arrive and be the first to pick it up. In each round we will have to park one more car than the previous one, that is, in the first round we will have to park 2, and in the second 3, and so on until we reach the fifth round, in all rounds we will have 2 minutes of limit. When we complete all of them, the Vank Hoff Hotel will generate $2,000 a day.

GTA San Andreas 100% Part 62 "Valet Parking"