Minecraft Cheats for PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, IOS, Android, Wii U

All the tricks and tips for Minecraft on PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, IOS, Android, Wii U

We help you with tips and tricks to master the vast world of Minecraft.

Get Infinite Water

In order to perform this trick we need to have a 2×2 plot and empty the water buckets in opposite corners. The water in the buckets must come from a natural resource in the area. We leave you a video for greater understanding.

Minecraft: How to make Infinite Water

Portals to the Nether

There is two forms to make a portal, none of them simple, although one more comfortable than the other. Step by step, you can make your own entrance to Hell and go down to a place where our survival skills and, of course, extreme mining will be put to the test. It is essential to have a lighter and a diamond pickaxe. First we will see the “easy”, although terribly laborious way, to create a portal to the Nether. Let's follow the path we follow, we need obsidian blocks. This mineral can be made at home, first you must create a mold with a non-flammable material, such as sand. We fill this mold with lava blocks (they are obtained with a bucket, directly from the lava, being careful not to burn ourselves). Once this is done, we pour water over the lava inside the mold and we will have our obsidian. If we have not done it correctly, we will obtain other material, which is not useful for the Nether portal. When we have all the obsidian we need, we can remove the sand mold or the material we have used and we will use a lighter at the bottom of the portal.

The other way to get the portal is to mine obsidian directly to get blocks of this mineral. To do this we will have to dig very deep into the universe Minecraft and use diamond pickaxes, since obsidian is terribly hard to come by. Where there is obsidian there is usually lava, so it is up to you to choose the method that best suits your playing style. With the obsidian blocks we build the portal and use the lighter at the bottom. Portal corners are not necessary.

When the portal to the Nether is active it will turn purple. We just have to jump on it and after a brief loading screen we will be inside. Here, another new adventure begins. Minecraft. We leave you a video so that there is no doubt.

how to make a portal to the nether minecraft spanish well explained

MineCraft Crafting Tools


It is the first tool we manufactured. It is used to crush stones and minerals. For its construction we need two suits and three units of wood or stone, three ingots of iron or gold, or three diamonds.


The second most useful tool is used to cut down trees. For its construction we need two suits and three units of wood or stone, three ingots of iron or gold, or three diamonds.


With the shovel we can dig in the sand, gravel and gravel. For its development we need two suit and one unit of wood or stone, an ingot of iron or gold, or a diamond.


The sickle is used to plow the land and leave it ready to create our crop with any of the seeds. For its development we need two suits and two units of wood or stone, two ingots of iron or gold, or two diamonds.


To get wool from sheep without killing them there are two methods. One is to hit them once, the other is to use scissors. Need two iron ingots to be able to manufacture them.


With this tool we can catch fish in the rivers and seas and then be able to eat them. Need three sticks and two pieces of rope.


It tells us the time, ideal for knowing how much time is left until it is night or day. It may not be very useful. For its manufacture we need four gold ingots and a red stone.


In Minecraft, the compass is used to indicate the location of the Starting Point or Spawn Point. To make it we need four gold ingots and a red stone.


With the map we will see the areas of the universe at a glance Minecraft which we have already visited. It will be updated as we explore the scenario. To create a map we need eight pieces of paper and a compass.

Minecraft Weapon Crafting


It is the most important weapon. We can build it from different materials: wood, stone, iron, gold and diamond. We will also need a stick. With two units of the materials + a stick we will create each of the swords. The wooden sword has a durability of 60 uses, the stone 132, the iron one 251, the gold one33  and the diamond one 1562 uses.


The arch allows us to make ranged attacks, something ideal if the monsters of Minecraft They produce more terror than we can bear. To build the arch we need three units of rope and three suits. Logically, we will have to build arrows if we want to be able to shoot something with our bow. If we shoot ourselves, we will take damage.


Need a stick, a feather and a flint to be able to build arrows, which we will create four by four.

MineCraft Armor Crafting


We need a total of five units of leather, iron, gold or diamond. Thanks to the helmet we will get protection for our head. The leather helmet provides 0.5 points of resistance, that of iron 1 point, the gold one 1 point and the diamond case offers us 1.5 points of resistance.


To create the breastplate of our armor we need a total of eight units of leather, iron, gold or diamond. With it we can protect our trunk from enemies. The leather breastplate offers us 1.5 points of resistance, that of iron 3 points, the gold one 2.5 points and the diamond a total of 4 points of resistance.


We can create the pants of our armor with seven units of leather, iron, gold or diamond. The leather pants will give us 1 point of resistance, that of iron 2.5 points, the gold one 1.5 points and the diamond pants will expand our resistance bar by a total of 3 points.


To develop the boots we will need four units of leather, iron, gold or diamond. The leather and gold boots provide 0.5 point of resistance, those of iron 1 point and the diamond ones will give us 2.5 points of resistance.

Complete Minecraft guide by clicking here.