Little Monsters
Aptonoth – Common herbivores, they are the main prey of several monsters. Weakness to Fire.
Apceros – Aggressive herbivores that live in desert and volcanic regions. Weakness to Lightning.
Barnos – These winged monsters attack intruders with a unique acid, then attack in large masses.
Gajau – Gigantic fish that we can find swimming in shallow waters. They are aggressive and will not hesitate to attack with their enormous jaws. Weakness to Lightning.
Gastodon – These monsters with reddish skin can easily become upset when faced with intruders and charge against any enemy that stands in front of them.
Spins – Monsters that attack in groups using the lethal gases of the Putrid Valley to their advantage. Weakness to Water and Fire.
Hornetaur – A monster with a rigid shell. They are easily damaged. Weakness to Poison.
Jagras – Members of the pack of a Great Jagras. If they see one of their own die they will flee, but they have also been seen ambushing large monsters in short periods of time. Weakness to Fire.
Kelby – Small deer-like herbivores. The Kelbi female is one of the few monsters that cannot attack in any way.
Kestodon – Small territorial herbivores that we can find in the Primeval Forest and the Agujas wasteland.
Mernos – They live in small groups in forested areas, it is the first Wyvern domesticated and used as a means of transportation.
Mossberry – Small pig-like herbivores covered in moss and fungi. Although they are usually docile, they will attack if they get angry.
Noios – Dragonwings whose cry sounds similar to that of a screaming capsule. Catch their attention with meat and you can hunt them for materials or use them as transportation.
Shamos – Small nocturnal monsters, especially vulnerable to the blinding flashes of the Tzitzi-ya-ku-but if they get together in a good group they can be a threat. Weakness to Fire.
Raphinos – Related to the Noios and the Mernos, these are differentiated by having larger bodies and elongated tufts on the wings and tail. Ice Weakness.
Vespoid – Huge insect similar to a wasp, with a poisonous sting that paralyzes the prey. Easy to reach, it does not have much material that can be used once dead. Weakness to Fire and Poison.
Big Monsters
Anjanath – The Anjanath patrol the Primeval Forest in search of their favorite food, the Aptonoth. attacks anyone without hesitation. Weakness to Water, Ice and Lightning.
- Weak Points – Head and tail.
- Breakable Parts – Head, hind legs, tail.
Barroth – They normally stay under the mud, perhaps to protect themselves from the heat, they even throw mud to attack. They frenetically charge against anything that disturbs their mud. Weakness to Water (with mud) and Fire (without mud).
- Weak Points – Front legs, tail
- Breakable parts – Head, front legs, back legs, tail.
Bazelgeuse – An evil flying Wyvern that has traveled to the New World in search of prey. To hunt, it spreads explosive scales over large surfaces, to feed on creatures trapped in the explosion. Weakness to Lightning, Ice and Draco.
- Weak Points – Head, wings, tail.
- Breakable parts – Head, wings, torso and tail
Devils – The largest predator of the Needle Waste. A threatening and very territorial beast, which hides underground. Loud noises make it go out in search of prey to drag under the sands. Weakness to Ice and Water.
- Weak Points – Head, chest and wings.
- Breakable Parts – Horns, back and tail.
Devils Black – These Dark Devils are considered a subspecies, but they are female Devils in heat. The change in color is a warning to other creatures, as they tend to become very aggressive. Weakness to Ice and Water.
- Weak Points – Head, chest and wings.
- Breakable Parts – Horns, back and tail.
Dodogama – Similar to a large lizard with a gigantic jaw. Weakness to Lightning, Water and Ice.
- Weak Points – Head and tail
- Breakable Points – Head, stomach and front legs.
Great Girros – Monster that feeds by scavenging food remains from the Coral Plateaus. They act as leaders in Girros packs and have large paralyzing fangs. Weakness to Water, Fire and Ice.
- Weak Points – Head, front legs, tail.
- Breakable Parts – Head, front legs, tail.
Great Jagras – The leader of a pack of Jagras. They are very voracious: large hungry Jagras attack monsters stronger than them, and when their stomachs are full it can swell to a large size. Weakness to Fire, Lightning and Ice.
- Weak Points – Head, stomach, front legs.
- Breakable Parts – Head, stomach, front legs.
Jyuratodus – This monster dominates the mudflats of the Agujas wasteland, it is not particularly aggressive but it will not hesitate to attack intruders that disturb its territory. Weakness to Water (with mud) and Lightning (without mud).
- Weak Points – Head, tail.
- Breakable Parts – Head, hind legs, torso and tail.
Kulu-Ya-Ku – This Wyvern bird is covered in sand-colored scales and has a crest on its head and strong feathered legs. Unlike other monsters, he is a solitary monster. Weakness to Water.
- Weak Points – Head.
- Breakable Parts – Head, front legs.
Kirin – The Kirin are so difficult to see that little is known about their ecology. It is said that when provoked, their bodies become enveloped in pure electricity. Weakness to Fire and Lightning.
- Weak Points – Head.
- Breakable Parts – Head.
Lavasioth – This monster lives in the large lava lakes of the Volcano, it attacks its prey by jumping from the lava to deliver a fatal blow and can also launch lava. Weakness to Water, Lightning and Ice.
- Weak Points – Head and belly.
- Breakable Parts – Head, torso, hind legs and tail.
Legiana – The largest predator of the Coral Altiplanos. Its diet is based on Raphinos, which it hunts with gusts of icy wind emitted by its body and which makes it difficult for its victims to escape. Weakness to Lightning and Fire.
- Weak Points – Head, wings, tail.
- Breakable Parts – Head, wings, torso, tail.
Paolumu – The Paolumu feast on eggs in the Coral Plateaus. The peculiar air sacs on their body allow them to float in the air and attack with their very tough tail. Weakness to Lightning and Fire.
- Weak Points – Head and neck.
- Breakable Parts – Neck, wings, torso and tail.