Pokémon Evolutions Guide Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee for Nintendo Switch

Learn how to make all the evolutions of Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, by level, by evolutionary stones, by exchange and mega evolutions

Pokémon Let's Go High Command

Evolutions by level

The great Most evolutions occur when a Pokémon reaches a certain level, then an animation will jump where we will see its next shape. Below we leave you the list with all the evolutions by level of Pokémon Let's Go, keep in mind that if we have already exceeded the evolution level when capturing a Pokémon in the wild, as soon as it goes up one more level it will automatically evolve. For example, if we take a level 27 Rattata, as it evolves by level at 20, as we go up to level 28 it will evolve into Raticate.

  • Bulbasaur level 16 -> Yvysaur level 32-> Venusaur.
  • Charmander level 16 -> Charmaleon level 36 -> Charizard.
  • Squirtle level 16 -> Wartortle level 36 -> Blastoise.
  • Caterprie level 7 -> Metapod level 10 -> Butterfree.
  • Weedle level 7 -> Kahuna level 10 -> Beedrill.
  • Pidgey level 18 -> Pidgeotto level 36 -> Pidgeot.
  • Rattata level 20 -> Raticate.
  • Spearow level 20 -> Fearow.
  • Ekans level 22 -> Arbok.
  • Sandshrew level 22 -> Sandslash.
  • Nidoran female level 16 -> Nidorina.
  • Male Nidoran level 16 -> Nidorino.
  • Zubat level 22 -> Golbat.
  • Oddish level 21 -> Gloom.
  • Paras level 24 -> Parasect.
  • Venonat level 31 -> Venomoth.
  • Diglett level 26 -> Dugtrio.
  • Meowth level 28 -> Persian.
  • Psyduck level 33 -> Golduck.
  • Mankey level 28 -> Primeape.
  • Poliwaq level 25 -> Poliwhirl.
  • Open level 20 -> Kadabra.
  • Machop level 28 -> Machoke.
  • Bellsprout level 21 -> Weenpinbell.
  • Tentacool level 30 -> Tentacruel.
  • Geoude level 25 -> Graveler.
  • Ponyta level 40 -> Rapidash.
  • Slowpoke level 37 -> Slowbro.
  • Magnemite level 30 -> Magneton.
  • Doduo level 31 -> Dodrio.
  • Seel level 34 -> Dewgong.
  • Grimer level 38 -> Muk.
  • Gastly level 25 -> Haunter.
  • Drowzee level 26 -> Hypno.
  • Krabby level 28 -> Ningler.
  • Voltorb level 30 -> Electrode.
  • Cubone level 28 -> Marowak.
  • Koffing level 35 -> Weezing.
  • Rhyhorn level 42 -> Rhydon.
  • Horsey level 32 -> Seadra.
  • Goldeen level 33 -> Seaking.
  • Magikarp level 20 -> Gyarados.
  • Omanyte level 40 -> Omastar.
  • Kabuto level 40 -> Kabutops.
  • Dratini level 30 -> Dragonair level 55 -> Dragonite

Evolutions by Evolutionary Stone

Certain evolutions are only possible if we give our Pokémon a stone of a specific type, there are Ice, Water, Fire, Leaf, Thunder and Moon. We all can buy them on the 3rd floor of the Ciudad Azulona shopping center for a price of 3,000 except the Moonstones that we can find them as hidden objects in Saffron City and Mount Moon.

Ice Stone

  • Alolan Vulpix -> Alolan Ninetales.
  • Alolan Sandshrew -> Alolan Sandslash.

Rock water

  • Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath.
  • Shellder -> Cloyster.
  • Staryu -> Starmie.
  • Eevee -> Vaporeon.

Fire stone

  • Vulpix -> Ninetales.
  • Growlithe -> Arcanine.
  • Eevee -> Flareon.

Leaf Stone

  • Gloom -> Vileplume.
  • Weepinbell -> Victreebell.
  • Exeggcute -> Exeggutor.


  • Nidorina -> Nidoqueen.
  • Nidorino -> Nidoking.
  • Clefairy -> Clefable.
  • Gigglypuff -> Wigglytuff.

Thunder Stone

  • Pikachu -> Raichu.
  • Eevee -> Jolteon.

Evolutions by exchange

Some of the Pokémon only evolve when exchanged with another user. As we exchange, we will see the Evolution animation. They are the following:

  • Kadabra -> Alakazam.
  • Machoke -> Machamp.
  • Graveler -> Golem.
  • Haunter -> Gengar.

Mega-Evolutions by Megastone

These evolutions can only be seen during a battle and it is necessary to have the mega stone in question to be able to use it. Once we get them we can use them whenever we want in any battle, but with the restriction that we can only mega-evolve one Pokémon per battle. . By using the stone (which comes out to the left of the attacks, while it is our turn) we can use it and select one of our movements so that as we mega-evolve we attack the rival. Mega-evolution increases the stats of our Pokémon so don't skimp on using them whenever you can. There are 2 Pokémon that have 2 mega-evolutions X, Y, such as Charizard and Mewtwo.  

After complete all Gyms we receive the Mega stones from Professor Oak to Evolve Venosaur, Charizard and Blastoise.

  • Venosaur with Venusaurite -> Mega-Venosaur.
  • Charizard with Charizardite X -> Mega-Charizard
  • Charizard with Charizardite Y -> Mega-Charizard Y.

To the complete the Pokémon League and enter the Hall of Fame, at the League reception we can buy nine mega stones for a price of 30,000 each one to mega evolve the following Pokémon.

  • Beedrill with Beedrillite -> Mega-Beedrill.
  • Pidgeot with Pidgeotta -> Mega-Piedgeot.
  • Alakazam with Alakazamite -> Mega-Alakazam.
  • Slowbro with Slowbronite -> Mega-Slowbro.
  • Gengar with Gengarita -> Mega-Gengar.
  • Kangaskhan with Kangaskhanite -> Mega-Kangaskan.
  • Pinsir with Pinsirita -> Mega-Pinsir.
  • Gyarados with Gyarosadita -> Mega-Gyarados.
  • Aerodactyl with Aerodactylite -> Mega-Aerodactyl.

Finally once we get defeat Green in the Celestial Cave we will get the stones to Meg-evolve into Mewtwo.

  • Mewtwo with Mewtwoita X -> Mega-Mewtwo X.
  • Mewtwo with Mewtwoita Y -> Mega-Mewtwo Y.