Pokémon Sword and Shield: where to find all the evolutionary stones

Guide to locate all types of evolutionary stones and their uses in Pokémon Sword and Shield

Let's see where to find all the evolutionary stones in Pokémon Sword and Shield of Switch, all thanks to our complete guide to find all types of evolutionary stones in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield of nintendo switch, so that you can evolve your Pokémon creatures with their corresponding evolutionary stone type. And it is that for evolve your Pokémon you will need to find the different evolutionary stones scattered around the game map; Therefore, below we offer you all the locations of the different types of evolutionary stones, as well as What Pokémon creatures can you evolve? with each of them in Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Farm EVOLUTIONARY STONES (All stones) | Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where to find the evolutionary stones of Pokémon Sword and Shield

Index of contents

All evolutionary stones and their effects

Below we offer you the complete list of evolutionary stones that you can find in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield and their effects:

  • Fire Stone | Evolves fire type Pokémon.
  • Leaf Stone | Evolves grass-type Pokémon.
  • Moonstone | Evolves Normal, Poison, Psychic, and Fairy-type Pokémon.
  • Solar Stone | Evolves grass and electric type Pokémon.
  • Thunder Stone | Evolves electric type Pokémon.
  • Water Stone | Evolves water type Pokémon.
  • Ice Stone | Evolves ice-type Pokémon.
  • Stone Day | Evolves normal, grass and fairy type Pokémon.
  • Night Stone | Evolves Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon.
  • Pieta Alba | Evolve Pokémon by gender.

Pokémon Sword and Shield: where to find all the evolutionary stones

Locations of the different types of evolutionary stones

Below we offer you all the locations of the different evolutionary stones from Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield:

Fire stone

We can get the Fire stone north of Milotic Lake, south of the wilderness area after crossing the bridge to Piston Bank; The stone is located next to three energy pipes to the left of that place.

Fire Stone evolves:

  • Eevee to Flareon
  • Growlithe to Arcanine
  • Vulpix to Ninetales

Leaf Stone

To find it Leaf Stone We must start from Pueblo Hoyuelo to go up to the Geoglifo viewpoint to find a character who has his back to us and from there take a small path to his right.

Leaf Stone evolves:

  • Eevee to Leafeon
  • Gloom to Vileplume
  • Nuzleaf to Shiftry


To find the Moon Stoner we must reach Dusty Basin in the wild area and locate a rock formation in the area on the right.

Moonstone evolves:

  • Clefairy to Clefable
  • Munna to Musharna

Solar Stone

To find it Solar Stone We must also go to Cuenca Polvorienta and from there head north.

Solar Stone evolves:

  • Cottone to Whimsicott
  • Gloom to Bellossom
  • Helioptile to Heliolisk

Thunder Stone

We will find the Thunder Stone in the giant's chair located in the southern part of the wild area, on the edge of a nearby hill.

Thunder Stone evolves:

  • Charjabug to Vikavolt
  • Eevee to Jolteon
  • Pikachu to Raichu

Pokémon Sword and Shield: where to find all the evolutionary stones

Rock water

To find it Rock water We must go to the outer area of the Piston City wall, in the northern part of the wild area. The stone will be located in a corner of some brick walls.

Water Stone evolves:

  • Eevee to Vaporeon
  • Lombre a Ludicolo
  • Shellder to Cloyster

Ice Stone

To find it Ice Stone First we must have the bicycle to go to the upper area of Route 9 where we will find an iceberg.

Ice Stone evolves:

  • Eevee to Glaceon
  • Galarian Darumaka to Galarian Darmanitan

Rock Day

The first thing we must do to find the Rock Day is to defeat a doctor on Route 8; After the combat we must access the stairs on the right and follow the path that takes us south; On that path, in an area on the right, there will be the stone.

Day Stone evolves:

  • Minccino to Cinccino
  • Roselia at Roserade
  • Togetic to Togekiss

Night Stone

We will find the Night Stone behind one of the stones that form a circle in the Lake of Anger.

Night Stone evolves:

  • Lampent a Chandelure

Dawn Stone

The Dawn Stone It is found in the same location as the Night Stone, that is, in Anger Lake behind some circle-shaped stones.

Piedra Alba evolves:

  • Kirlia to Gallade
  • Snorunt to Froslass

Pokémon Sword and Shield: where to find all the evolutionary stones

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