Cheats The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One

All the secrets, spells, shouts and codes for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Master all the secrets of the land of Skyrim and become a dragon lord.


Alteration Spells

  • Detect Death – We can see the dead through walls. Buy it from Tolfdir at Winterhold College.
  • Detect Life – We can see living creatures through walls. Reward for completing the "Infiltration" side quest or purchasing it from Tolfdir in Winterhold or Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Balance – Turn health into magic. in Labyrinthia after completing the College of Winterhold quest "The Staff of Magnus".
  • Wizard Light – 60 second long ball of light. We can buy it almost anywhere.
  • Candle Light – Creates a 60 second long light. We find it in "Fuerte Halcón de las Nieves" or buy it almost anywhere.
  • Paralyze – Paralyze enemies for 10 seconds. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold.
  • Mass Paralysis – Paralyzes enemies for 15 seconds. Purchase it from Tolfdir in Winterhold after completing the quest "Ritual Alteration Spell".
  • Stone Skin – Improves armor by 60 for 1 minute. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold.
  • Iron Skin – Improves armor by 80 for 1 minute. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold or from Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Ebony Skin – Improves armor by 100 for 1 minute. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold.
  • Dragon Skin – 80% reduced physical damage for 1 minute. Rewarded for completing the College of Winterhold quest "Alteration Ritual Spell".
  • Aquatic Breathing – We can breathe underwater for 1 minute. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold or from Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Telekinesis – We can attract objects from afar. Buy it from Tolfdir in Winterhold or from Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Transmute – Transforms silver or iron ore into Gold. We can find it in "Ansilvund Excavation" or in "Arroyo Camp".

Destruction Spells

  • Vampiric Absorption – Absorbs health points from the target that increase depending on the phase we are in as a vampire. It is obtained when we become a Vampire.
  • Fireball – Deals damage in a 5 meter radius. We can buy it from Enthir in the College of Winterhold, from Madena in the White Hall and from Wuunferth the Lifeless in The Palace of Kings.
  • Sparks – Deals damage to the target's health and magic. We can find it in the Bastion of Dim Luster and in the Bastion of Helgen. We can also buy it from Enthir in the College of Winterhold, from Falion in Falion's House and Madena in the White Hall.
  • Frostbite – Freezing blast that deals damage to the target's health and stamina. We can find it in Labyrinthia and in the Serpent Cliff Ruins. We can buy it from Enthir in the College of Winterhold, from Lucanus Valerius in Wooded River and from Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Arniel's Convection – Makes the target burn. We obtain it as a reward for completing the College of Winterhold mission "Arniel's Company".
  • Ice Stake – Stake deals frost damage to health and stamina. We can buy it from Enthir in the College of Winterhold, from Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace and from Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Frost Spear – Spear deals frost damage to health and stamina. We can buy it from Enthir or Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Mantle of Frost – The frost envelops us, causing damage to the health and stamina of the targets we touch.. Buy it from Enthir in the College of Winterhold or from Madena in The White Hall.
  • Wall of Frost – A wall of ice that deals 50 points of frost damage. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Incinerate – Fires a blast of fire that burns the target. We can buy it from Enthir or Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Flames – Fire envelops the target. We can buy it from Enthir or Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Mantle of Flames – The fire surrounds us causing damage to the opponent. We can find it next to Yisra's corpse on the eastern shore of Morning Star. We can buy it from Faralda at the Colegio de Hibernalia and Madena in the Blanco room.
  • Wall of Flames – A wall of fire that deals 50 points of fire damage. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Storm Wall – A wall of lightning that deals 50 points of damage per bolt. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Mantle of Lightning – Electricity surrounds us and causes damage to the health and magic of enemies. Buy from Enthir in College of Winterhold and Wuunferth the Lifeless in the Palace of Kings
  • Igneous Projectile – Blast of fire, 40 points of damage. Buy it from Falion in Falion House and Madena in The White Room.
  • Lightning – Deals 40 points of damage per bolt and half as much damage to magic. We can buy it from Calcelmo in Low Stone Fortress and Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Lightning Bolt – A lightning bolt that deals 90 points of health damage and 45 magic damage. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Chain Lightning – The lightning, after hitting one target, jumps to another nearby. Buy it from Madena in the White Hall or from Wuunferth the Lifeless in the Palace of Kings.
  • Frost Rune – When placed, causes a frost explosion when enemies approach. We can buy it from Wuunferth the Lifeless in the Palace of Kings and Wylandriah in Riften.
  • Fire Rune – After placing it, it causes a fire explosion when enemies approach. We can buy it from Madena in the White Room and Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace.
  • Lightning Rune – When placed, causes a burst of electricity when enemies approach. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Fire Storm – Large explosion of fire. They give it to us as a reward by completing the College of Winterhold mission "Ritual Spell of Destruction".
  • Ice Storm – A whirlwind of ice that affects health and stamina. We can buy it from Enthir and Faralda at the College of Winterhold.
  • Lightning Storm – A burst of lightning that deals health and magic damage. We can buy it from Faralda after completing the College of Winterhold quest "Ritual Spell of Destruction".
  • Blizzard – Targets take frost damage for 10 seconds, affecting health and stamina. We can buy it from Faralda after completing the College of Winterhold quest "Ritual Spell of Destruction".

Conjuration Spells

  • Raise Zombie – Reanimate a corpse to fight for you. We find it in the Dungeons of the Bastion of the Faint Luster or in the Mound of Haldir. We can buy it from Falion in Falion's House and Nelacar in the Frozen Home.
  • Revenant – Reanimate a powerful corpse to fight on your behalf. We can buy it from Falion in the House of Falion and Phinis Gestor in the College of Winterhold.
  • Linked Bow – Creates a magical bow that lasts 2 minutes. We can find it in the Piedra Baja Fortress. Buy it from Falion in Falion's House and Phinis Gestor in Winterhold College.
  • Linked Sword – Creates a magical sword that lasts 2 minutes. We can buy it from Farengar in Dragon's Reach and Madena in the White Hall.
  • Linked Battle Ax – Creates a magical ax that lasts 2 minutes. We can buy it from Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth and Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace.
  • Conjure Frost Atronach – Summons a Frost Atronach for 1 minute. We can create it in the Atronach Forge. Buy it from Falion in House Falion and Phinis Gestor in Winterhold College.
  • Conjure Storm Atronach – Summons an Atronach of electricity for 1 minute. We can create it in the Atronach Forge. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.
  • Conjure Atronach of Flame – Summons a fire Atronach for 1 minute. We can create it in the Atronach Forge. We can find it in the Korvanjund Crypt.
  • Conjure a Dremora Lord – Summons a Dremora lord for 1 minute. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.
  • Conjure Familiar – Summons a familiar for 1 minute. We can buy it from Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth and Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace.
  • Conjure Dragon Priest – Summons a dragon priest for 1 minute. We get this spell by putting the Mask of Konahrik on them, after getting the 8 masks of the dragon priests.
  • Flaming Familiar – Summons a flaming familiar that explodes dealing damage. We get it after completing the secondary mission "A Scroll for Anska".
  • Spectral Arrow – A spectral arrow that deals 30 points of damage. It can only be obtained through the PC code "000b33165".
  • Master Daedra – Summoned creatures remain under our control. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.
  • Banish Daedra – Summoned weak daedra creatures are banished. We can find it during the secondary mission "Blackout!" after defeating Captain Hargar.
  • Exile Daedra – Summoned powerful Daedra creatures are banished. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.
  • Frost Slave – Permanently summons a Frost Atronach. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the Winterhold College after completing the College quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell".
  • Storm Slave – Permanently summons a Storm Atronach. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the Winterhold College after completing the College quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell".
  • Slave of Flames – Permanently summons a fire Atronach. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the Winterhold College after completing the College quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell".
  • Dead Slave – Permanently reanimates a corpse that fights on our behalf. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the Winterhold College after completing the College quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell".
  • Summon Unbound Dremora – Summons a Dremora for 999 seconds. We can buy it from Phinis Gestor at the Winterhold College after completing the College quest "Conjuration Ritual Spell".
  • Summon Shadow of Arniel – Summons the shadow of Arniel Gane for 1 minute. We achieved it after completing the Winterhold College mission "Arniel's Company".
  • Reanimate Corpse – Reanimate a powerful corpse that fights on our behalf for 1 minute. We can buy it from Nelacar at Hogar Helado and Madena at Salón Blanco.
  • Soul Trap – If the target dies it will fill a Soul gem. We can create it in the Atronach Forge. Buy it from Falion in Falion's House and Phinis Gestor in Winterhold College.
  • Terrifying Zombie – Reanimate a very powerful corpse that fights on our behalf 1 minute. Buy it from Phinis Gestor at the College of Winterhold.


Frost Breath

Your breath is winter, your cry a blizzard.

  •  Power word 1: In Folgunthur during the side quest "Forbidden Legend".
  • Power word 2: Al South Ventalia on the "Ossuary Ridge", you have to defeat the dragon in the area.
  • Power word 3: Al Southeast of Morthal at the "Celestial Cradle Altar", you have to defeat the dragon in the area.

Fire breath 

Inhale the air, exhale the fire and contemplate Thu'um like hell.

  • Power word 1: where we take the “Wuuthrad Fragment” in the “Dust Man's Burial”, during the Companions' mission "Token of Honor". 
  • Power word 2: in the "Peña Partida Gorge"
  • Power word 3: We got it during the main quest "The Throat of the World".


Scream defies the steel, while you tear the weapon from the rival's gaze.

  • Power Word 1: During the Thieves Guild quest "Silence gives consent" in it "Snow Veil Shrine."
  • Power Word 2: In the location south of Morthal "Peak of the Blood of Ancients."
  • Power word 3: in the location southwest of Winterhold "Argent Tide Lair".


The weak will flee in terror.

  • Power Word 1: After defeating the witch in the Daedric quest "Fragments of the past" in the "Dead Witch's Rock".
  • Power word 2: in the "Labyrinth of Shalidor", which we can find in Laberintia.
  • Power word 3: After defeating the dragon in the "Viewpoint of the Lost Language" south of Riften.

dragons rend

This shout allows us to force the dragons to land.

We will get the 3 words of this shout during the main mission "The Bane of Alduin".

clear skies

Clear the fog and inclement weather.

We will get the 3 words of this shout during the main mission "The throat of the World."

ice shape

Freezes solid opponents.

  • Power Word 1 – During the Mages Guild quest "In the bowels of Saarthal".
  • Power word 2: after defeating the dragon in the location "Mount Anthor" southwest of Winterhold.
  • Power word 3: after defeating the Pale Lady in the secondary mission of the same name in the "Frost Wasteland Crypt."

relentless force

The voice is power, it removes everything and everyone who gets in the way.

  • Power Word 1 – During the side quest "The Golden Claw" in it "Marrow of the Grim Falls".
  • Power word 2 and 3: the other 2 words of this cry we will learn from the Gray Beards in the main quest "The Path of the Voice".

Elemental Fury 

Imbues your weapons with the speed of the wind, allowing for faster attacks.

  • Power word 1: after defeating the dragon in the "Dragon Tooth Crater" Northeast of Markarth.
  • Power word 2: during the Daedric quest "At Dawn" in the "Statue of Meridia".

Storm Summon

A scream that awakens the destructive force of Skyrim's lightning.

  • Power word 1: in the side quest "Siege of the Dragon Cult" in "Host of Forel".
  • Power word 2: after defeating the dragon priest Vokun during the side quest "A Scroll for Anska", in the "High Gate Ruins."
  • Power word 3: during the main quest "The World Eater's Nest" in "Skuldafn".

summon dragon

Listen to my voice and show yourself. I call upon you in my hour of need.

We will get the 3 words of this shout during the main mission "The fallen".

animal loyalty

Wild beasts will come to fight in your defense.

  • Power word 1: after defeating the dragon at the top of the "Cuesta del Antiguo".
  • Power Word 2: in Angarvunde during the miscellaneous mission "Discover the treasure of Angarvunde".
  • Power word 3: At the top of the "Tomb of Ysgramor" during the mission of the Companions "The glory of the dead."

Call to Courage

The brave men of Sovngarde travel beyond time and space to help you.

After defeating Alduin in the final Dragonslayer mission, we have to talk to the 3 heroes and Tsun to return to Skyrim, before leaving we will achieve it.

death mark

Weaken an opponent's armor and life force.

  • Power word 1: in the top of the "Autumn View Tower" after defeating the dragon.
  • Power word 2: in the middle of the "Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary" room after joining them.
  • Power word 3: where we face Curalmil during the mission "Vial Blanco" in the "Abandoning Cave".

Peace of Kyne

It tames wild beasts, who lose the desire to flee or fight.

  • Power word 1: where we face Otar in the various mission "Open Ragnvald's sarcophagus", to the left after crossing the door behind the sarcophagus.
  • Power word 2: in the location "Rannveig Fast" south of Morthal.
  • Power word 3: after Get the "Sapphire Dragon Claw" in the miscellaneous quest "Take Wyndelio's Diary to Wilhelm"Once we have it we have to complete the dragon claw puzzle in the "Mourning Home Barrow" moving forward after solving it We will reach the "Depths of the Mourning Home" after defeat the dragon priest what we will find here we advance through the passage that is unlocked and we will find the wall.

project voice

Deceive those who seek you.

We get the 3 words of this scream on the wall where is the dragon priest Krosis in "Punta Mellada".

Slow down time

Scream into time, while the world around you remains still.

  • Power word 1: On location "Harpy's Tip."
  • Power word 2: in the "Korvanjund Crypt" after defeating to Chief Draugr during the mission "The Toothed Crown".
  • Power word 3: during the College of Winterhold quest "The Staff of Magnus" before facing Morokei.

Whisper of the Aura

It reveals the vital forces of each and every one.

  • Power word 1: After defeating the Dragon priest "Hevnoraak" in the secondary mission "Evil in Waiting".
  • Power word 2: Where we face Kvenel in the side quest "Silenced Tongues".
  • Power word 3: After Defeat the Dragon at "North Wind Summit".

overwhelming whirlwind

We advance with the speed of a storm.

  • Power word 1: On location "Dead's Breath" in the secondary mission "Don't let the Flames go out".
  • Power word 2: It is taught to us by the Grey beards during the main quest "The path of the voice".
  • Power word 3: In "Volskygge", where we we face the Dragon priest Volsung.

Becoming Ethereal

Change your form to one that cannot harm or be harmed.

  • Power Word 1: During the main mission "Horn of Jurgen Windcaller", in Ustengrav.
  • Power word 2: At the top of the "Redoubt of the lost valley", after facing the crow witches.
  • Power word 3: In "Tound of the Iron Cuaderna", in the area where we face the Warlord, "Gathrik".

PC Codes The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim 

Be careful when using the codes (make a separate save), as they could spoil the game (you can spoil a mission, stay flying in the air, under the ground or a mountain, repeated characters, etc...). To begin, open the console by pressing the º key.

tgm – God mode. 

player.modav carryweight # – Increase weight (change # to whatever number you want)

advlevel – Advance one level.    

tcl – "No-clip" mode (fly and go through walls). 

psb – All spells.  

tmm,1 – All map marks  

resurrect – Resurrect a target

theophis – Disable the "blur" effect, make adjustments to the contrast and add a little more brightness.  

tfow – Remove fog from unexplored areas on the local map (does not affect the world map)  

kill - Kill the selected target (open the console and click on him/her to select him/her)  

unlock – Open a door, chest, etc. (open the console and click on the object to select it)  

player.setstage ### XXX – Codes for missions (change ### for the mission code and XXX for the phase of said mission)  

player.moveto # – Teleport next to a character (change # to the "RefID" of said character)  

player.placeatme # – This code will bring the character to you (change # to the "RefID" of said character)

coc # – Teleport to a location (change # to the location code)    

Codes to get objects

To add any object, you have to use the following code: player.additem OBJECT # (Where OBJECT is the code of the object and # is the amount you want to obtain).

Gold coins: 0000000f

Lockpicks: 000000a. 

Ultimate Healing Potion: 00039be5. 

Extreme Magic Potion: 00039be6. 

Ultimate Magic Potion: 00039be7.   

Modify skill level  

player.modav SKILL # – Extra bonus points.

advskill SKILL # – Add experience points. This code adds experience, with which normal levels are increased. You have to change "ABILITY" for the codes you see below and # for the number of points.   

lightarmor – Light armor. 

heavyarmor – Heavy armor. 

block – Block. 

onehanded – One hand. 

twohanded - With the two hands. 

marksman – Archery. 

destruction – Destruction. 

alteration – Disturbance. 

illusion – Delusion. 

conspiracy – Conjuration. 

 restoration – Restoration.

lockpicking – To open locks. 

pickpocket – Heist. 

sneak – Discretion. 

alchemy – Alchemy. 

enchanting – Enchantment. 

smithing – Smithy.

speechcraft – Eloquence 


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