How to reupload an Instagram story

Step-by-step guide to know how to re-upload featured stories and re-share stories from the past on Instagram: quick and easy

Let's see how to resubscribe an instagram story easily so you can recover Stories from the past and share them again in a simple and comfortable way. And the stories, given their 24 hour ephemeral character, can go unnoticed by many followers, making it very interesting to recover stories from the past to reupload them and thus reach more people. Luckily, there is a way to create a file stories to be able to recover them and share them again if we wish. Do not miss how to reupload stories instagram Step by Step with our tutorial.


Instagram: how to reupload stories

The main characteristic of Instagram stories is that after 24 hours from publication they disappear forever along with its contents. Therefore, if you want to keep some of your favorite stories in your personal file to share later, we offer you a step-by-step tutorial on as reupload stories whenever you want even though more than a day has passed.

How to reupload Instagram stories step by step

Follow the steps below to reupload an Instagram story:

  1. Access Instagram and click on it three horizontal lines icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Now, at the bottom of the menu, click on Setting.
  3. Click now on the section Privacy.
  4. Within Privacy select the option stories.
  5. Now activate the switch Save stories to archive.
  6. Return to the main Instagram menu and select the section file.
  7. All the stories you have uploaded in that period of time will be displayed; Select the story you want to re-upload.
  8. When accessing the archived story you will see that the option appears Share on the bottom; Click on this option.

How to reupload an Instagram story

So you can re-upload Instagram stories even if more than 24 hours have passed since their creation. Thanks to Stories archiving options, you'll always have your stories stored ready to go back to. share them whenever you want.

How to reupload an Instagram story

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