How to see who doesn't follow you on Instagram

The best tricks to discover which users you follow on Instagram do not follow you

Next we are going to explain to you how to see who doesn't follow you on instagram through a series of tricks that you can do manually quickly and easily. And this is how you can discover that users you follow on Instagram they don't follow you. This way you will be able to know if an acquaintance or follower has stopped following you or if a new follower that you also followed has stopped following you is interested in your posts or just wanted to increase followers and then stop following them. Be that as it may, thanks to our tricks you will know which users you follow have stopped following you in instagram.

How to know who is NOT FOLLOWING YOU on INSTAGRAM? Easy and fast 😎

How to know which Instagram users have stopped following you

There are two main methods to find out what users Those you follow have stopped following you. The first way is manually, a slower and more laborious process but also more reliable. The second way is by third party applications, a faster way but with which it is advisable to be more attentive to the app that we can install on our mobile, since few work well on their own Instagram API, while others will only want get hold of your data personal. Careful!

Index of contents

How to know who has stopped following you manually

The first method, the manual, will allow you to know if someone you follow has stopped following you through the Instagram menus. Follow the steps below to see who is not following you on Instagram:

  1. First of all, locate a user you follow on Instagram.
  2. Beyond the general Instagram search engine, you can access the menu followed from your profile to see the full list of users you follow.
  3. Now in the menu make sure you are in the tab followed and click on a user who you want to know if they also follow you.
  4. You will access the profile of said user; Now click on your menu followed to see if you are among the users they follow.
  5. Once within the list of users that said user follows, use the search engine to search for yourself and see if you appear on their list.
  6. If your profile appears in the results it is because said user also follows you; if you don't show up it's because it does not follow you at that moment.

How to see who doesn't follow you on Instagram

With the results in sight, if they do not follow you, it is your decision to keep said user among your followed users or stop following to that user if you consider that their content is not interesting enough for you.

How to know who has stopped following you with apps

If you prefer to use third-party applications specially designed for this purpose, we warn you that It is not a very valid and safe option, since most apps do not work correctly due to the restrictions of the Instagram API and many others will try to get hold of your personal data in exchange for more than doubtful results. If you still want to try this method, we recommend the app FollowMeter, one of the most recommended and safe apps for this function.

Of course, although it offers good results, it only works with relatively small accounts, with a few hundred followers, since with large accounts it does not offer reliable data. Follow the steps below to use FollowMeter on your iOS or Android mobile:

  1. Download FollowMeter depending on your mobile iOS (iPhone) either Android.
  2. When accessing the app click on the button Sign In to log in with your Instagram credentials, that is, your username and password.
  3. After logging in, the app will begin analyzing your account; After a few minutes it will have collected your data.
  4. Among the results you will see a section called Not Following Me Back, that is, users you follow who do not follow you, represented by a number.
  5. By clicking on this section, a list of all those users you follow who don't follow you.
  6. If you click on any user on the list you will directly access their Instagram profile.

How to see who doesn't follow you on Instagram

As in the previous section, it will be your decision to stop following said user or keep the follow if its content seems interesting enough to you.

How to see who doesn't follow you on Instagram

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