Currently thanks to Internet we have much easier find out directions of someone as long as we know their name and surnames and his city. To find out your address You simply have to follow the following steps. With this we will get the address to send the letter we want.
Use search engines.
You all remember the typical telephone directories that we had a long time ago, because they still exist, in Web page. We will simply have to enter the names, surnames and province in the search field of the website and hit find.
If it is not found in the white pages, we can go to the second option, put in Google he name and surnames in quotes. Putting it in quotes will reduce the results. For example "Manolo García Lorca". If we also know the exact city where you live or the place where you work, it can also be added. Being that way "Manolo García Lorca" Melilla.
Social networks or Linkedin.
Last option if we have not had luck in the search engines, time to go to the most common site of all to find an address, Facebook. Simply enter your full name in the search engine. Facebook and search among the results for the person you are looking for.
Another option is to search for your profile Linkedin, a work website that usually has addresses so that companies know where we are from.
If it is to send a letter, you may be interested in this article about "How to write a formal letter in a simple way"