How to give a cat medicine

How to give medicine to a cat is one of the most frequently asked questions, since they are very intelligent and know what they are getting, we leave you some tips

Medication time is usually very bad for all pets, whether a cat or a dog, therefore they tend to hide, vomit the medicine or even snarl, but don't worry, this is a way to defend yourself, our pet will never attack us.

Giving medicine is never easy, but if we know the proper procedure, we will make the moment to take the medicine be more simple and pleasant for your cat, and also for you, thus freeing him from a unnecessary stress.

What is better pill or liquid medicine?

This is a question that many people ask themselves when buying medicine for our pet, but this depends on various factors

If our cat is very greedy and does not tend to smell the meal before taking it it is much better tablet, since we can hide it on a piece of sausage or your favorite food, thus making taking the medication pleasurable.

If our cat is not a glutton and it is also suspicious, the best are the liquid medicines, either dissolve the tablet with water in a syringe. With this we will be able to administer the medicine in a more precise way, but we will need patience so that the cat take the right amount.

If the pill or medication gives off a very strong smell, it is best to camouflage it with your favorite food.


It is very important to use only prescription medications by a veterinarian and treat our pet for the entire prescribed time or he will relapse into the disease. If we stop treatment early, even It can get worse

If our cat becomes stressed, it may start to lose hair, so it is best to let it relax after the medication.

How should we give it to them?

You may need help to keep your cat still while giving the medication, if you do not have an assistant on hand, the best option is wrap the cat in a large towel and hold it against our body.

  1. We fill the dropper or syringe with the amount of medication that the veterinarian prescribed.
  2. Holding your cat's head still with one hand, insert the tip of the syringe into one corner of the mouth, between the cheek and the teeth, pointing toward the back of your cat's head.
  3. Do not tilt the cat's head back. This may cause you to inhale the medication. We squeeze the syringe to give the medicine until it is empty.
  4. Keep the cat's mouth closed and stroke its throat or nose to encourage swallowing.
  5. Reward your cat with a treat.

If our pet continues to have problems when taking the medication, we can go to our vet so that you can explain to us in the best possible way how to give you the treatment, or we can insert the contents of the syringe in meal in small doses until he eats it.

White foam or saliva

At the time of giving the medicine Two things can happen, our cat begins to generate a very thick saliva or start to let go white foam at the mouth, many cat owners are scared when they see that, but it is a totally natural reaction in felines.

If you don't like a flavor, you tend to generate saliva as a defense mechanism, so don't be scared, it's normal and won't cause any problems for your cat.

Vomiting in the cat..