How to groom house plants

Keeping plants clean and disease-free is hard work, but in this post we will help you make things easier with a few tips.

If we want to have our live houseplants and no diseases for a long time, we have to take into account various factors and carry out a maintenance almost monthly. 

If you still don't know which pot or plant you should take and you just want to know how to maintain it, you might be interested in this post about how to plant in a pot.

What should we do?

The first thing we must do is water house plants often with warm water, This will remove any dust and insects that accumulate. We should not use cold water as it can cause the leaves to wilt. 

If we are going to wash small plants under the sink or large ones under the shower, we must let them drain or if drip dry before placing them in the sun.

Placing them wet in the sun can be fatal for them.

Clean leaves and remove dead flowers.

If we have large plants we must spend a cloth either wet cotton by its leaves, holding the leaves with one hand to avoid bruises either cracks. We should not use oils or polishes, they can block the pores and interfere with your ability to breathe.

If our plant has Dead flowers we must use the suitable tool to remove them and keep our plant healthy. Also delete all dead leaves either yellow and any stem without leaves

Leaving dead flowers or leaves will decrease flowering.

Finally, we must always remove the dust if we have plants with fuzzy leaves, we can use a soft bristle brush or a soft toothbrush