How to treat canine Parvovirus in your pet

Canine Parvovirus is one of the viruses most feared by dog owners. In this article you will find everything you need to know about it and its treatments.

Before starting you should know that the Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus which can affect all dogs in your household, although not all will have the same risk of infection. The More smalls, and above all the unvaccinated dogs that are less than four months old are the more exposed to the virus.

What does this virus affect?

This virus mostly affects the gastrointestinal tract, and is transmitted by direct contact from dog to dog or by contact with contaminated feces, contaminated environments or people contaminated by said virus.

This virus can also be spread by food and water containers, necklaces, straps and the hands and the people's clothing that come into contact with an infected dog. In addition, the virus is resistant to heat, cold, humidity, drying and lives for very long periods of time.

Therefore, if any of our pets suffer from it, it is best to throw everything and buy new things, scrub the house well with bleach for all points, change sheets and changing clothes

Parvovirus is the most dangerous and contagious virus.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of parvovirus are usually lethargy, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and bloating, fever or hypothermia, vomiting, severe diarrhea and often bloody. Persistent vomiting and diarrhea often cause rapid dehydration and intestinal damage creating septic shock.


Currently there is no specific medication that can kill the virus in infected dogs, the treatment is rather intended to support our dog's systems, until the immune system can combat the infection. Viral infection.

If we see these symptoms we should NOT wait, treatment should be immediate. This treatment basically consists of intensive care to take care of dehydration by replacing blood losses. electrolytes, proteins and liquids, the control of the vomiting and the diarrhea, and the prevention of secondary infections.

If we take our pet to the vet on time and they give the aggressive treatment that this virus deserves, our pet's survival rates could increase by up to 90%.

It is very important to rush to the vet

How to prevent the virus?

This virus is prevented in two very basic and simple ways, early vaccination and good hygiene.

The puppies They are usually the most susceptible to the virus, especially due to the natural immunity that breast milk gives them and which they usually lack before they are 3 months old. Therefore, it is very important that this immunity is not broken, which is why there are the first vaccines for puppies. Puppies should receive the parvovirus vaccine between 14 weeks of age. The adult dogs They must have other types of care, and above all we must ask the veterinarian about the parvovirus vaccine. 

As for the external care and not internal, we must especially avoid places where other puppies go at first, We should not allow our dog to come into contact with any fecal waste from another dog.

PARVOVIRUS IN DOGS - Symptoms and treatment

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