Effective tricks against caterpillars and their nests

In this article you will find the best remedies against the processionary caterpillar, the pest that normally affects pine trees.

Before starting, let's explain a little what the processionary caterpillar, he most common type of pest in the Pine trees. This caterpillar is a type of pest which comes from moths, since this is a part of one's life cycle, and in its stage only affects pine trees since it is capable of leaving our pines without leaves. Usually, They usually create a ball-shaped silk nest that is appreciated, but not appreciated It could be dangerous if it falls on us. 

How to ELIMINATE PINE PROCESSIONARY in an ecological way 🐛🌳 @Jardinatis Hogarmania 👨‍🌾

What dangers does this caterpillar have?

This caterpillar poses a fairly significant threat, because although seems harmless, is a bomb both for him ecosystem of our garden as for our pets and us.

¿Why it is dangerous for our pets and us?

Well, because at the moment the caterpillars decide to go down to the ground and do their training, They have hairs that are extremely stinging, and cause reactions that can range from mild inflammation to a severe allergic reaction. Furthermore, the reaction is very painful and can last up to 3 weeks. There are cases where the caterpillar can easily kill our pet, especially if those hairs reach the animal's throat and prevent it from breathing.

We must be very careful with them.

What can we do to eliminate them?

There are several very effective tricks against these caterpillars, some cheap, others expensive, and others very simple, it is never advisable to use home remedies:

  • Eliminate the nest: This should be done with extreme care and only if they are at an accessible height. You should wear long gloves and all the extra precautions you can think of. Additionally, it must be done the warmest time of the day what is when the caterpillars they are less active. After removing it burn the nest, since the hairs once dead are still just as dangerous.
  • Uses pheromone trap which will cause the male caterpillar to get trapped in a trap from which it cannot get out.
  • You can use chemical pesticides commonly called phytosanitary treatment, these pesticides will kill the larvae. Remember to use one that does not endanger your pet and the trees. You can use for example Potassium sulfate.
  • Try to use Bacillus Thuringiensis, a bacteria that produces a toxin that will kill the larvae. This toxin will be absorbed by the plant and will cause the caterpillars to die by ingesting its leaves. Of course, you should do it soon, if the caterpillar is already very developed. it is not effective.
  • In summer take good care of the plant and destroy all the eggs you find
  • Many stores usually sell a type of cone that is placed on the trunk and causes the caterpillars to end up in a bag from which they cannot get out. This is usually called physical barrierAnother remedy is to wrap the pine trunk with some type of plastic tape.

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