How to care for roses

Roses are very difficult to care for, luckily, in this article you will find how to care for the roses you are given so that they look great.

Have you recently been given roses?. Well, if you want your beautiful bouquet to last much longer, you will have to cut the stems at an angle In order for them to get enough water, they will have to cut the lower leaves and place the roses in a vase clean filled with water. With this you will be able to enjoy your roses for 1 to 2 weeks longer than usual.

How do I trim the stems?

To trim the stems of our rose well, if we do not want to crush the waterways, we must follow these tips:

  1. We take one small scissors with curved blades. If we have a scissors that has a better "cut and hold" function, that will prevent the stem from falling to the ground when we cut.
  2. If we are the ones who are going to give away the roses from our rose bush, theirs is that they be cut before 10:00 am in the morning. We also have to look at the roses, the best ones to give as gifts are those with the outer petals just opened.
  3. Trim the stem with a 45 degree angle.
  4. Place the stems in a bucket of cold water immediately after cutting them. You don't need a vase, just a bucket is enough. But You don't have to get the flower wet.Simply let the water cover enough to wet the stem.

If we take a rose that is very open, it may die sooner.

How should I place the roses once cut?

If we want to keep our rose well we must wash the vase thoroughly with warm soapy water. A clean vase is essential to keep them fresh, any bacteria that the vase may have is deadly for them.

We must also remove all leaves that are within the water line. But only those, if we remove all the roses, they will not be able to get the water out of the stem and will end up dying. We can use scissors or remove it with our fingers. 

Finally we must trim the stems by 1 cm at a 45 degree angle and put it in a vase that is only 3/4 full. We will have to give them plant foods so that they grow healthy and safe. If we don't want to buy it we can do it with:

  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of bleach 

Vegetable food is important for them to last longer.

Finally, to take care of it we do not have to put it near the sun, change the water every day and cut the stems every two days. 

Your Day. How to prune roses to obtain the best flowers