Tips for planting vegetables in your garden

Having a garden at home is a way to save a lot of money in the long run, here are some tips so you can have your own vegetable plantation at home.

Before starting this adventure planter, we must know what design we want in our garden, whether to have it everything more organized or have a lot of design prettier

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How should I plant vegetables?

This is one of the most common questions since there are many ideas that we could consider when planting vegetables. As:

row after row, the method consists of a row in parallel lines where we will plant our vegetables, this method is good for corn or beans. 

  • Advantage: Organization is much easier.
  • Disadvantage: lower performance.

Spot Grow, the method consists of planting small plots of land right in sunny places.

  • Advantage: They don't require much space.
  • Disadvantage: We could only plant 2 types of vegetables.

Divide the plots, If you have a spacious garden you can always divide the planting into two, this method consists of planting small vegetables on one side and large ones on the other.

  • Advantage: many more vegetables.
  • Disadvantage: takes up too much space.

In our case, the recommended method would be row by row, it is more practical in gardens.

How do I save space in the garden?

If we do not have a very big garden We have several ways to keep the space used to a minimum.

Use pots, You do not need to plant vegetables in the ground, if you do not have space, one of the best ways to have your own vegetable plantation is divide it into pots. Furthermore, with the pots you can put them in the plant at home at night, thus extending the season of that vegetable. 

Plant vertically, Use plants that grow upwards to provide us with vegetables, we can plant them near the garden wall without it disturbing much.

Plant small, The last way would be to plant small varieties of vegetables or dwarf varieties, such as the Cherry tomato

Instead of choosing very large varieties of vegetables, we can go for dwarf types.

What do I have to use to grow well?

We will need several things to be able to cultivate in a way that bears fruit over time, but mainly we will need patience and dedication. Plants and especially vegetables have their period of time to grow and need special subscriptions.

Furthermore, as our plantation grows, so will the pest possibilities, so we must have a good plant protector

There are many types of pests in plantations and they will increase as our vegetables grow.

Before entering the world of gardening you should take all these factors into account, so perhaps you could start with simple plantations either single vegetable planting kits and see if we are really going to like taking care of our garden.

Like the tomato planting kit that comes with its own pot, soil and fertilizer.