The online shopping portal amazon has become one of the largest and most popular digital bazaars in the world with countless products of all kinds and conditions; so much so, that the portal offers its clients electronics devices, smartphones, books, music, video game, movies, clothes or beauty products, among many other products, always with the utmost seriousness and at the best prices. But it is not always easy to find the best products that fit our needs one hundred percent. Therefore, we offer you a guide with a series of tips to carry out online shopping through Amazon with the maximum guarantees and enjoy a completely proven service.
Tricks to buy on Amazon like an expert
Use wish lists
Because Amazon offers a huge catalog of products, we must learn to be patient and wait for the best moment to make that click that allows us to buy what we want. Thus, It is essential to configure your own wish lists, a quick and convenient way to locate our products that interest us most. to wait for possible price reductions (very well signposted) or stock replenishment.
To make your wish lists you just have to go to Wish list and start adding products; These lists can be public or private, the first of which are ideal so that your family or friends can consult them to offer you gifts through your name or email. To consult wish lists we only have to go to Wish Lists – Search for a wish list.
Customer opinions
To learn more about a product if its main characteristics raise doubts we can consult the comments made by users, the fastest and most direct way to learn more about certain products previously purchased by other users. Thus, and through the use of a system based on star rating (1 to 5), we can learn more about their ratings.
We recommend paying more attention to the 2 to 4 star reviews to find the most balanced opinions; 1-star ones can be too negative, while 5-star ones can be lucky users of a certain product, sponsored reviews, or fans of a specific brand. Finally, we must not ignore purchases with the label Verified Purchase, which tells us that that user has actually purchased said product.
Ask other users
Products from more established or famous brands usually present very complete descriptions of their products, although It is possible that we may have specific doubts about certain characteristics and we don't know who to turn to to find the answer. For this reason, Amazon allows us to directly ask other users about specific aspects, such as the quality of a material, the measurements of a product or whether the instructions are in our language, among many others.
The questions and answers are always visible on the product sheets and even We can vote for them to give more visibility to them and leave your opinion.
Shipping addresses
One of the main advantages of amazon is that they send the product directly to our home, being the most convenient option if we cannot travel to stores or department stores. Although we may not always be at home at the time of delivery, which is very useful set up multiple shipping addresses beyond our main address.
Thus, we only have to go to My account – Settings – My shipping addresses to configure our main address and one or more secondary addresses, whether it be the address of a family member or neighbor or our work, among several options. Furthermore, in Additional directions We can configure other additional collection points, such as a specific business that we trust and has a schedule with more availability than ours, thus ensuring that the delivery person can deliver the package on our behalf, with a search by address, zip code or name of a point of interest.
Tracking our orders
For many users, package deliveries are one of the main setbacks when trusting this type of service, since they always There is a fear that a package will be lost and we will be left without our purchase. Therefore, there is the option of following the steps of our package from the moment it leaves the online store until its delivery to our home or wherever we consider.
To do this, we just have to go to My account – My orders to track our shipment. Thus, and through the tab Orders in progress We will be able to consult the timeline of our orders and know their exact position at all times. In addition, Amazon communicates to us by email all the steps of our purchase, from payment to delivery of the package. Additionally, the shipping company also usually contacts with us to better track and specify a specific delivery time.
Product returns
Sometimes we may be dissatisfied with certain purchases and products that have not met our expectations; And online purchases have that risk, that we do not have the product “in our hands” until we receive it. For this reason, Amazon offers a complete returns service with which we can make the return with total comfort. Thus, and through My account – My orders – Orders We can review each of our orders and click on the tab Return or replace products.
We have up to 30 days to make the return effective from the moment we receive the package, both for products served by Amazon directly and those from third parties. To do this we just have to click on Create my own label and follow the instructions, such as indicating a reason for return and prepare the package for new shipment. Finally, we must go to the nearest Post Office for delivery to Amazon.