The popular tool Google Maps offers an endless number of utilities to its users, very useful tools that are very interesting when traveling, especially when traveling by car. So much so, that we can add all fixed radars in Spain to our custom maps (My Maps) of our mobile or computer, in order to have all the radars located if we do not want to get an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fine and loss of points on the driving license. Thus, if we are going to take a route by car and we want to consult the exact position of the fixed radars where we pass, we can now do so using a simple but very effective tutorial that we offer below; Of course, what this system does not do is warn us of the proximity of a fixed radar, since, in addition, we cannot manipulate the mobile phone while we drive. Next, how to add all the fixed speed cameras in Spain to our Google Maps.
How to add fixed speed cameras in Spain to Google Maps
The first thing we must do is download a ZIP file with all the official information on fixed radars in Spain through the website TodoPOI. It is official information available to any interested party that can be shared without any problem.
Access Google Maps (via the official app or browser) and log in with your Google user; If you already have your Google account set up on your smartphone or computer, you will not need to log in.
Display the main menu of Google Maps through the corresponding icon located in the upper left corner of the screen.
Access the option My Maps, located in the first position of the second block of entries in the drop-down menu.
Within My Maps our previously configured maps will be listed; If we do not have any saved, the list will appear empty. Click on Create Map, option located at the bottom of the menu.
Click on the option Matter of the new window that will have opened with the title unnamed map. Now comes the time to load the KML type files from the ZIP previously downloaded and unzipped on our PC or smartphone.
Now drag the unzipped files to the Google Maps import window. We can create different maps with the unzipped files such as alcohol control points, dangerous curves, black spots on the road network... We simply have to choose the file that interests us and drag it to the import window; In this case, the file in question is that of fixed radars.
Once the file has been loaded into Google Maps, we can rename the specific map of fixed speed cameras with the title “Fixed radars in Spain", For example.
Thus, we will now be able to access this new specific map of fixed radars through the entry Your sites from the main menu Google Maps, in order to show the information we need on the map at any time, especially if we are going to take a route by car, so we can have a clear position of all the fixed speed cameras.