How to change the playback speed on Netflix

Learn how to watch your favorite series and movies in fast and slow motion

Below we explain how to change playback speed of your favorite movies and series Netflix through the new option of the platform that allows its users to see the contents faster or slower. And thanks to this new control of playback speed We can see movies and series at different speeds, whether to save time and see, for example, a chapter of a series in half the time, or watch movie scenes in slow motion, among other options. So much so, that Netflix now offers the possibility of choosing between five speeds to watch movies, series and documentaries: two speeds slower than normal, the standard speed and two faster speeds, up to 150% faster. All this without losing the possibility of understanding the dialogues. Don't miss our guide on how to change playback speed Netflix.


How to change the playback speed on Netflix

So, Netflix already allows its users change playback speed of its content, that is, series and movies; in total they are five speeds to choose from, which go from 0.5x (at 50% normal speed or half normal) at 1.5x (at 150% normal speed or twice normal speed).

To activate the different Netflix playback speeds, you only need to: pause playback with the button Pause to display the menus, and then tap Speed (1x). If this option does not appear, it is possible that you do not have the latest version of the Netflix app installed on your mobile; make sure you install the latest version. If it still doesn't appear, uninstall the app completely and reinstall it again.

How to change playback speed on Netflix

When you press the button Speed (1x) The five available speeds will appear; As we say, 1x is the normal speed, while the two options less than 1 are a slow motion and the two numbers above 1 are a fast camera.

After pressing the button Speed (1x) A pop-up window will open with the different speed options; you just have to touch on speed to which you want to watch Netflix content. Keep in mind that despite watching a movie or series in slow motion or fast motion, voices and dialogue will not be distorted.

How to change playback speed on Netflix

Below we detail the five speed options:

  • 0.5x | Slow motion at half normal speed
  • 0.75x | Slow motion at a 75% normal speed
  • 1x | normal speed
  • 1.25x | Fast camera a 25% faster than normal speed
  • 1.5x | Fast camera a 50% faster than normal speed

How to change playback speed on Netflix

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