How to delete your Wallapop account

Tutorial to unsubscribe from the Wallapop application through its website

Wallapop, the popular app of buy and sell, offers its users its own market of offers on all kinds of items, from appliances to furniture, including cars, homes, clothing, toys, video game and all the products we can imagine. And many people use the service both to sell things they no longer want to use and to buy those products they are looking for at the best price. However, after a period of use, many people decide to abandon the application, either because they do not use it or because they have found other ways of buying and selling. But, how can we unsubscribe Wallapop? Is it really possible? Yes, it is, but it is not an option that is exactly very visible. Therefore, below we show you how to delete your Wallapop account.

【How to delete a Wallapop account】 🙌 - Unsubscribe from Wallapop 🐙 - Step by Step Guide ✌

How to delete a Wallapop account

There are many reasons why you may want to close your Wallapop account, either because you have had a bad experience, because you have had some type of problem, because it is not what you expected or because, simply, you are no longer you are not interested in their service. Whatever the reason, below we show you how to delete your Wallapop account quickly and directly and without major complications.

Where do I unsubscribe from Wallapop?

And unsubscribing from Wallapop is not exactly something intuitive or something that can be easily found, because as is the case with many other applications or online services, their creators prefer retain the largest number of users possible; For this reason, they do not make available to everyone the possibility of unsubscribing from their service, which is only possible through the official website from Wallapop and not from the application iOS and Android mobiles. The reason is very simple; more registered users, more visits and more possibility of income for those responsible.

How to delete your Wallapop account

Steps to delete a Wallapop account

Follow the following steps to delete your Wallapop account:

  1. Access the official website by Wallapop
  2. Enter your account access information
  3. Once inside your account, click on the section my zone
  4. Now click Profile via left column
  5. At the top we will see two tabs: Profile and Account
  6. Click Account
  7. Now click on the option I want to unsubscribe located at the end of the screen, in the section Account information
  8. A pop-up window will appear with the title Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?
  9. Finally, click on the option Yes, I want to unsubscribe

How to delete your Wallapop account

How to delete your Wallapop account

And so you can unsubscribe from Wallapop permanently deleting your account.

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