How to download work life

Step-by-step guide to request your work life online and download it to your computer or mobile

Next we are going to teach you how to download work life by Internet and download it through the browser on both your computer and your mobile phone. And thanks to our tutorial, you will learn the necessary steps and everything you need to achieve your working life in a simple and direct way; In both cases, the process is the same, since we will do it through your Internet navigator usual, whether in PC Windows 10 either mobile iOS or Android. Do not miss how to download your work life step by step.

How to REQUEST a WORK LIFE report | Step by Step...

How to download your work life on PC and mobile

Index of contents

What is working life

The working life is an official document that compiles all the periods of time in which a citizen has contributed to Social Security, either as an employee of third parties or as a self-employed worker. This document includes all the companies with which an employee has signed an employment contract for chronological order, from most recent to oldest, with the corresponding dates of registration and cancellation in Social Security. In addition, the total number of days quoted, the contribution group or the most relevant information for each contract is shown.

What do you need to download your work life?

To download your work life it will be necessary to have a official online verification method of your identity. The most accessible method is through a SMS, although it can also be done through a digital certificate, he electronic ID wave Cl@ve PIN. In addition to the SMS method, the digital certificate is also very simple and can be easily obtained through the official website of the Royal Mint.

For the rest of the methods such as the Cl@ve PIN, it is necessary to register with a code that will be received after requesting it on the official website of the Tax agency, although it is also possible to register with an electronic certificate or electronic DNI, or in person at any Registration office.

How to download work life

To request work life through the web browser, it will only be necessary to have a device with internet browser (whether PC, tablet or mobile), Internet connection and follow the next steps.

How to download work life step by step

  1. The first step is to access the official website of Social Security.
  2. Next it is necessary to enter the section Reports and Certificates through the following link, where all the reports that can be requested online will be displayed.
  3. Now look for the entrance Working life REPORT and click on it.
  4. Up to five different options will be displayed; When you press an option it will be time to verify your identity.
  5. The easiest way is through a SMS completing the fields shown on the screen; you will also be able to identify with your digital certificate (if you have previously downloaded it) or through the Cl@ve PIN.
  6. Once you have verified your identity, a window will open in which a link will be provided to download the work life report.
  7. Now click on the link Click here to open the report to open it directly in your browser; At the top there is also an option to print the report if you have a printer correctly configured on your computer.
  8. Once opened you can download it to your computer or mobile.

How to download work life

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