How to request help of 200 euros

Who, how and when you can claim the 200 euro check for help against inflation that the Government of Spain makes available to vulnerable families

Let's see how to request help of 200 euros that the Government of Spain makes available to salaried and self-employed workers with low income and unemployed. It is a extent approved after an extraordinary meeting of the Minister council in which a package of aids inflation and the price crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Is about a single payment of 200 euros from which 2.7 million people can benefit. But, How can we know if we have the right to request help of 200 euros? How to apply? Below we resolve all doubts.

An aid of 200 euros for incomes of less than 14,000 and a new tax on energy companies

How to request help of 200 euros from the Government

Index of contents

The Royal Decree agrees that it is a single payment which is intended to alleviate the detrimental effect of rising prices caused by the energy crisis for those families in situations of economic vulnerability that are not covered by other social benefits. Let's see who, how and when to request the help of 200 euros from the Government.

Who can apply for help

All natural persons who are currently registered in the Social Security as self-employed or employed workers, Besides unemployedWhether or not they receive unemployment benefits, they will be able to request aid of 200 euros. As we say, this is a one-time payment for those who In 2021 they have received payments of less than 14,000 euros. Additionally, potential applicants must have a assets less than 43,196.40 euros.

On the other hand, only those who have legal and effective residence in Spain on the date of entry into force of this royal decree-law and that they have had it continuously and uninterruptedly for at least the year immediately preceding said date.

How to request help of 200 euros

Who cannot apply for help

According to the Government of Spain, this aid aims to cover those people who do not have other social benefits, so the perceivers of the Minimum Vital Income They will not be able to request this aid of 200 euros. The pensionersOn the other hand, they cannot apply for aid, whether these pensions are contributory or not.

When and where to apply

The management of this aid of 200 euros is through the Tax agency, the body that is responsible for collecting requests and studying them in each case. All this with the collaboration of other institutions such as Social Security, the INE or the SEPE to access the applicants' data and conclude whether or not it is appropriate to grant said aid in each case.

To access this help you must do so in the electronic headquarters from the Tax Agency, where there is a form that must be filled out with the information of the plaintiff and his cohabitants. In addition, the bank account where you wish to direct the payment must be included. The maximum deadline to request the aid of 200 euros is until September 30, 2022.

How to know if the request has been approved

After reviewing each case, the Tax Agency will not inform the decision on the request of the help. Thus, the person who directly receives the aid of 200 euros in a single payment will know whether their application has been approved or not. Yeah after three months Since the application deadline (September 30, 2022) no transfer of 200 euros has been received, the application may be considered rejected.

Now you know everything about the help of 200 euros of the Government of Spain, who, how and when to request it through the official channels of the Tax agency.

How to request help of 200 euros

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