How to upload a PDF to Facebook

How to upload, share and publish a PDF file to your Facebook profile

Below we show you all the options at your disposal to upload, share and publish a file in PDF format through Facebook, either as an attachment through a private chat with another user or by posting on your wall thanks to a PDF file converter to image. And Facebook does not allow uploading and sharing PDF files as such through your wall, so we will have to resort to alternative methods to be able to go up and share PDF files on Facebook. Don't miss our tutorial on how to upload a PDF to Facebook.


How to upload a PDF to Facebook

Let's explain to you how to upload a PDF file to Facebook, either through groups of users or through your wall of publications thanks to third-party applications.

How to share a PDF in a Facebook group

The Facebook user groups They represent a very useful tool for organizing with other people, whether for leisure or professional issues. The first thing you will have to do is create a Facebook group; follow the next steps:

  1. To create a Facebook group click on the icon Create located in the upper right corner of the screen with the symbol +.
  2. A menu will be displayed; choose the option Cluster.
  3. Write a name for it Cluster related to the theme of the group itself.
  4. Choose the members you want to add to the group and choose privacy settings to determine who can see information shared in the same group.
  5. Once you have finished customizing the group, click on Create.
  6. You can upload a cover image to the group and add a short description.

How to upload a PDF to Facebook

Once the group is created, you can start share files and messages through it with the rest of its components. Follow the steps below to share files in a group:

  1. Click on the option Groups located on the left side of the screen.
  2. Within the group, to the right of Write something… click More – Add file – Select file.
  3. Select the file you want to share from your computer; you can write something related to said file.
  4. Finally click on Post.

How to upload a PDF to Facebook

Another option is share a PDF file via Facebook, although with a small peculiarity; and it is not possible to share PDF files on Facebook, so we will have to resort to third-party solutions to be able to do it another way, that is, simulating the PDF to be shared as if it were an image.

For this we can choose a website like pdf2social, a website specialized in converting PDF files to images compatible with Facebook. Follow the steps below to convert a PDF to an image for Facebook:

  1. Access the website pdf2social.
  2. Enter your dFacebook access data on said web page.
  3. Grant the permissions necessary on said web page.
  4. Select the PDF file what you want to convert; You can add text for said content.
  5. Finally click on Convert to get images from the PDF file you want to share on Facebook.

How to upload a PDF to Facebook

Now you can share the content of a PDF file as if it were an image file; To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Access your Facebook profile.
  2. Click on Create post or access a group where you want to share the images.
  3. Click on Add photo/video to upload the converted PDF images.
  4. You can add text to accompany these images.
  5. Finally click on Post.

How to upload a PDF to Facebook

So you can Share PDF files both in groups and on your wall as if they were images thanks to the conversion of PDF files into images.

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